Troubles with swapping D16y7 Into Rtawd Wagon
Now before I begin, I have searched this problem on this site to death and cannot get any straight answers. It seems like all the threads that are asking this question just die off and are never heard from again. With that being said I will continue.
So my girlfriends d16a6 crapped out the other day and she has the motor from her ek coupe laying around (d16y7), so I thought why not swap it.
So first off ive swapped over the a6 intake manifold and the a6 exhaust manifold, no issues there. Next was oil pan to clear transfer case... well that didnt work. The holes are to far off to put the a6 pan on the y7, IT WILL NOT WORK. So I modded the y7 pan to work. Okay done. Now my next issue is the intermediate shaft for the axles. There is no where for the three bolts to go. THere is one spot that lines up but that is it, you cannot drill out and tap into the block because the two other spots aren't there. I see that hush performance sells an adapter that you can use as well. <--- has anyone actually purchased ones and used it before?
So I guess my biggest question is has anyone on here swapped a y7 or y8 into a rtawd civic wagon successfully? Also mine is a manual transmission.
Thank you all for any and all information. Also if you havent attempted this swap or haven't done it yourself please dont comment. The amount of wrong/ false information out there is alarming.
So my girlfriends d16a6 crapped out the other day and she has the motor from her ek coupe laying around (d16y7), so I thought why not swap it.
So first off ive swapped over the a6 intake manifold and the a6 exhaust manifold, no issues there. Next was oil pan to clear transfer case... well that didnt work. The holes are to far off to put the a6 pan on the y7, IT WILL NOT WORK. So I modded the y7 pan to work. Okay done. Now my next issue is the intermediate shaft for the axles. There is no where for the three bolts to go. THere is one spot that lines up but that is it, you cannot drill out and tap into the block because the two other spots aren't there. I see that hush performance sells an adapter that you can use as well. <--- has anyone actually purchased ones and used it before?
So I guess my biggest question is has anyone on here swapped a y7 or y8 into a rtawd civic wagon successfully? Also mine is a manual transmission.
Thank you all for any and all information. Also if you havent attempted this swap or haven't done it yourself please dont comment. The amount of wrong/ false information out there is alarming.
It all depends what the engine came out of. You will get both varieties. Rather than pull the motor apart and/or locate yet another engine, you could just get the hush performance bracket to adapt the intermediate shaft to the block. Talk to them and see if the Y is supported.
Yeah thats where I am right now. I called them and left them a VM last night. Waiting to hear what they say.
haha I like your style. I wish that was my case. None of the bolts lined up in the back except for a portion in the block that looks like it could line up if you drilled the section out and tapped it. Either way this project has been halted as of right now until I get my hush performance adapter plate. Aparently it depends where your engine came from to tell if it has the holes in the back. I have multiple friends who have a d16y7 WITH the bolt holes and some (including myself) who doesnt have the holes.
We found this out after running the vin numbers to both d16y7 engines. One was built in Japan and the other was in Canada.
example: y8 dipstick is in the oil pump. I used the "better" z6 oil pump which uses a block dipstick, so when i put it in I realized i have no dipstick now :facepalm:. Then, the t'belt side engine mount isnt clocked correctly when using the old mount, so its rocked forward in the frame pocket, hitting the front and making a slight vib. I used the rt4wd oil pan on the y8 and it leaks, maybe its my fault but i'll need to get a new one b/c 350k mi of oil changes has a 9x too big oil drain plug installed that still leaks... WHY DO I LOVE/HATE YOU SO MUCH WAGOVAN.
The wagon in question is my girlfriends wagon. We picked it up for $600 and boy is it " rough" to say the least. She had her old y7 laying around from when we swapped her gsr into her ek coupe. This motor ran great, pulled normal and had fine compression. The stock d16a6 that came out of her wagon was seized. We so far have swapped everything needed to make this work except for the oil pan and the adapter bracket. The d16a6 pan doesnt fully line up to the d16y7 block. I have to get the pan cut and re welded. I know a local guy who will do it for $20 so its no big deal there. Our hope is to just get it running correctly.
Where does your a6 pan not line up? Is it on the oil pump? If so then you can swap the oil pump for an older one like the z6 and you should be in business.