Different offsets front to back??

Is there is more wheel well room in the back of the wagon versus the the front? I am thinking of going with 15x7 +10 offset in the back, and 15x7 +40 offset in the front. I am hoping that fills on the space in the back...think it will work?
but i personally think that there is the same amount of room.. the only reason it may look or seem like the rear has more room is because you can get more camber out of the rear.. i could be wrong i never pay much attention to it really
good way of seeing what will work is going through the build threads on here and seeing what others are running that sit the way your after.
7" +40 is pretty conservative, 15x7+20 with a 195/50/15 tyre sits well on a wagon with a two finger gap between wheel/arch and stock arms
I am assuming that setup required camber adjustment right? Have any pics?