jrsc z6 swappin dyno set for the 18th gotta bust my balls.

Well my sti cracked a piston and im not ready to fully build it so time to finally get the wagon going. Been ordering parts and making a plans. Gotta dyno sceduled at kaizen on the 18th gotta do it!
A good tune is the key to everything..
Everything else is simple, just bolt it on!!
So an adjustable fuel pressure regulator will be needed.
Is your wagon an Auto, I don't see a clutch cable coming out of the firewall.
Also I don't see the fuses for power seat belts on the battery terminal. What year is your wagon, 88 or 89?
I thought all RT's had A/C, did you remove it?
On a side note, how high is your garage? I saw your post on my ramp review, and saw you actually have a proper lift, just curious.
10' 6" of room
Im running 8 psi and still have stock exhaust. Gunna add a few lbs of boost, header, exhaust, and possibly a cam. Cars fun to drive feels like a b swap but with a whine instead of a vtec crossover.
I'm thinking about going a similar route.
Have you thought about running Hondata?
I think if you did H/E, a cam, and a custom map you could hit 150+ which would be GSR territory with about 30 more ft/lbs of torque.
Also, in case you haven't see it yet: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6fP58Ir8r9PZmM4OTljMjMtMDkxZi00NzMwLThhZTItMmIyNTgzMjVhMzM0
It's a folder I made on google drive that has all the instructions and part numbers from Jackson racing.