Alternator Removal

Hello All,

I've got an 86 4WD Civic wagon and have to pull the alternator. I've got it off, but getting it out is another story. I've looked online and seen where folks said they had to remove the drive shaft to get it out. I was wondering if anyone had any advice they could offer up, as it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  • debrisdebris Wagonist
    I'm in exactly the same predicament.
    I managed to free up the alternator. But I can't see a way on how I can possible get it completely out.
    The dual-carb stuff makes it impossible to get out from the top and the RT4WD axle makes it impossible to pull out from the bottom.
    I just can't see how it could possibly be done easily...
  • Rickstar22Rickstar22 New Wagonist
    Never looked at a RT, but I just did a replacement in my FWD. Had to bring it out from the bottom by slowly wiggling it around the steering rack and the firewall/floorboard toward the middle of the car until it came down. For some reason, it went back up much easier than it dropped...
  • AbideAbide Council Member
    with the half shaft on the RT you can either remove an axle and the bracket or the master cyl. master is easy but you need to bleed after. axle is still quick if you have an impact.
  • debrisdebris Wagonist
    Abide, I'm RHD so my master cyl on the other side. Above the alternator is a box containing lots of vacuum hoses. Underneath that is a/c lines and I'm quite sure it's too narrow for the alternator to pass through.
  • AbideAbide Council Member
    Oh geeze, didnt even consider that. move the alt back to the subframe and knock the alt bracket itself off the block, that should get you closer to the axle, i think youll still need to remove it to get by though.

    errrr Edit again on that one, just noticed we're talking about a 3rd gen here, I'm out of my element! Ignore me please!
  • debrisdebris Wagonist
    Abide, OP's is an '86 wagon, but mine is an '89 RT4WD.

    I've never pulled an axle before. I don't think I have the tools or the know-how to be able to do it.
  • AbideAbide Council Member
    well in that case maybe im not useless. while you need a 32mm socket to get the axle out of the hub you might be able to just move a control arm or two out of the way, use a pry bar or big flathead to pop the inner joint out of the half shaft so it will drop out of the way. without knowing where your ac lines and such are i dont know if you can go up. Removing the bracket that connects the alt to the motor gets you a lot more wiggle room though. Even after all that it will only come out one direction so you have to puzzle fit it out of there. It really is a pain for such a common failure item too.

    On the alt subject, has anyone had a string of bad luck with junky autoparts re-manufactured alts? I swear they last me about half as long as a junkard alt. not terribly expensive, but as you can see quite annoying to replace. I ended up buying a 170amp high output alt so i dont have to deal with it anymore. No issues so far.
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