I can surely tell you that individual cases can vary infinitely, your experiences are not the same as mine ect. ect.
Its obvious you are more interested in the pursuit of information than accusation, which I can understand. In truth, its easy to disagree when it comes to politics but you make very valid points.
Fascism, in my layman's terms is a tool used to control the masses using fear, intolerance. It is unjust for any governmental body to use this against its own, history has taught us this. Italy and Germany, no question, but the US is guilty of this as well. Making people believe that Muslims or anyone of middle eastern descent is/are evil is preposterous.
Sad really, I can see that this country in the name of terrrorism is willing to take care of us from the cradle to the grave. Definately not my personal choice. This fabricated horseshit story of 19 hijackers...
Its about control, we are sending our real money to Dubai and borrowing war bucks from China. We are our own worst enemy, super elitist rich run this country.
As far as our tax contribution, its taxation without representation. I work for the gov't 5 months out of the year and the contribution is increasing. Serfdom, the supreme court put the last nail in the coffin with this one regarding eminent domain. We are entitled to absulutely nothing, other than the shackles of ruthless dictator under the guise of a democratic leader of the greatest superpower on earth???
I can see them building more prisons than schools. I heard a news report a few days ago stating that they plan on closing more local grammar schools as opposed to opening more...all due to lack of attendance!
The very few who could actually attend school now have nowhere to go.
There is a sub-govt responsible for much more than what we can perceive. I refuse to go into this deeper but the evidence is out there and personally believe we are not far away from continental consolidation in the near future and eventually global one-world unification before I kick the bucket. I guess my kids will make good puppets and me, soylent green.
I referred to Nazi Fascism, was I or the Wiki wrong?
Not only would I say that definition is wrong, but many of my old professors at the Harriman Institute would laff at it. They are also very liberal. Many still think that socialism is a good idea.
Wikipedia is a publicly edited document. Anybody can change it, and I have done so on several occasions. The definition Wikipedia has anti-communism, corporatism, populism as part of fascisim. If you know who Benito Mussolini was then you know none of that is correct. Mussolini took all his examples from his "Russian modello (model)"; a direct quote. Can you guess who that was? Mussolini came to power on a socialist populist wave, so there might be a some similarity there, but he was not a populist. You only have to look at some of the edicts he mandated to see that. Mussolini hated capitalism, and wanted to eradicate it, everything should be owned by the state (an example he borrowed from Russia). Mussolini's thoughts on religion are very interesting. You should do some reading about Mussolini.
Here are a few more facts that you might want to consider; 1932 HG Wells (a Fabian Socialist) gave a speech at Oxford University equated fascisim as enlightened Nazism and hailed is as the progressive and liberal future. he wrote many great articles that were widely read throughout the nation in the 1930's. He was considered to be a leading and major liberal thinker of his time.
1920's to the 30's fasicism was not considered anything remotely conservative or evil. Lincoln Steffens, Ida Tarbell along with the New Republic, brought to you by Herbert Croly, (just to name a few) wrote glowing articles and books about how fascsim was this wonderful experiment of progressive liberalism and how capitalism would die once and for all with this grand idea. I could go on but I think you might want to do some serious research on them.
I do not see how the idea of smaller govt., less taxation, and free exchange of ideas, all Conservative ideals and foundations, are the same as Fascism, Nazism, and Socialism which are the direct opposite.
Subprime isn’t the only issue, our private industry is tanking bad. Our money is circulated paper, no connections between our US dollar and precious metals. The Federal Reserve is responsible ultimately and the bill will come due to the American taxpayer.
Private industry and development is what is holding this country together, but it is being hindered by some of the most onerous and mind numbing regulation and taxation. Why do we legislate and tax private business, innovation and development out of existence? Guess where this kind of thinking comes from. Do some investigation on socialist business ideology.
You really think the Middle East loves us? Personally I don’t care what super-rich arabs think of me but we’re not there for Osama Bin Laden. Iran, North Korea and Venezuela love us too but they don’t have enough oil for us to care last time I checked, right? I agree with Putin regarding our repore with them and other countries, we treat them like the uninvited guest @ the party. Could not have said it better.
Actually many in the middle east do like us, its the extremists that get all the attention by our media that portray it differently. The media does not give a balanced view or truthful point of view.
I love what our job market is now, a bunch of independent consultants whose main function consists of coordinating which Starbucks they’ll hold their next board meeting, our manufacturing and tech has become extinct. While our unemployment rate isn’t that of the double digit Reagan era, it isn’t that far away. Wait, will Wal-Mart greeter jobs will save us all?
Now that is a perfect example of a liberal view. Have you looked at Intel?, IBM? Dell? Apple? CISCO? HP? the semiconductor industry? Well if you do not like the job, then get an education and change your field. Thats your responsibility to keep your job skills up to date. Why blame Wal Mart, they offer fair wages for the jobs people do.
You’ve chosen to home school, which I have considered a decade ago and am currently providing to my youngest. I have more than 1. Personally, my tax dollars pay for good children to become better criminals in our current system. I have witnessed 2 generations of a failed educational system and in my opinion, its getting worse. No criminal left behind…
So then do you support the idea of vouchers where you get your education tax dollars back to spend as you see fit for you children's education? Allow parents to shop for schools that represent what what they think how their child should best be educated? Open competition between schools for children's education just like several European countries do?
Appropriations for infrastructure are non-existent , war plain and simple. The bridge collapse in Minnesota could have been avoided.
Levee break in Nevada. Lack of a humanitarian effort in New Orleans a few years back... The State of California and many others freeing convicted criminals early… Ect. Ect. No money.
Actually they are not, its just those tax dollars are being spent elsewhere by mandates from politicians. California is a good example of this. California's liberal state govt. spends money for all kinds of social welfare programs. Gas taxes in California are the same as the federal tax rate and when you add county taxes and fees, very little of which go to the roads and infrastructure, its one of the most expensive. If govt would stop all the social welfare programs and spend the tax money on what it was originally intended for then the problem would go away. IMO, it's liberal policies that have brought this on.
It makes no difference. Liberals and progressives throughout the ages have called any war crap. From my history (GWI & II along with various conflicts), my fathers history (Viet Nam and Korea), my grandfathers history (WWII and Korea) and so on. Heck, the same can even be said about our Civil War. Liberals hate war and always believe peace is just a matter of application and discussion. History is quite the opposite, peace has only been won when its fought for and even paid for with blood. Just look at the example of Suleyman reign in regards to the Ottoman Empire. Tell me how you discuss peace when your throat is at the end of a sword?
Fine, war is hell, your opinion. Assuming, I or anyone else here should be held accountable to some predetermined criteria in your mindscape is just as negligent as you believing you are better than me or anyone else here. Don’t assume anything about me or others here or I’ll assume you don’t give a shit. If you want to assume that I'll assume you don't appreciate our company.
Where did this come from? Care to give a little more insight? I think you are taking a giant leap in making such a assumption to make a comment about me. I have not assumed anything of the like. I surely must have hit a nerve. So why is this now personal?
In regards to war is hell comment, then ask a few WWII, Korea or Viet Nam, veterans with battlefield experience. If you like I would be happy to get a few friends that are VFW members. I am sure they would agree with my so called opinion, even though its based on experience.
Its not an issue of one person is better than another, its an issue of truth and and what system is better for one person or another.
Well since you do not know me I will say I am not any of those. An if he is not becoming a friend then why did he invite me, my wife and daughters to stay with him at his home in Vincenza for a week? I met him in a cafe and we started to chat. A SRV song came on, of which we are both fans, and our family has has a friendship since then. Now he and I do not share common political views but do have some that are the same. Even though we disagree, we have wonderful discussions in politics. I have many such friends like this in Italy, and the rest of Europe, along in Japan, and Thailand. Some share many political views and others do not. Our family's exchange much with each other.
Just because someone treats you nicely, doesn't mean you're their friend.
The typical North American (OK, lets just say USA because everyone loves the Canucks) is perceived as loud, fat and obnoxious.
You're right - i don't know you from a bar of soap and am merely providing my point of view but i can assure you that your view of Americas international image is a little rose-tinted, from my perspective (lol).
And i don't think Frank means anything personal with his comments. It's actually good we can have a conversation like this without it stooping to abuse.
I do not see how the idea of smaller govt., less taxation, and free exchange of ideas, all Conservative ideals and foundations, are the same as Fascism, Nazism, and Socialism which are the direct opposite.
I suspected at first but the above statement clinches it... you're a Republican. Am I right? :P My cousin's arguments sound just like yours and he's a hardcore Canadian Conservative.
"Republicans emphasize the role of corporate and personal decision making in fostering economic prosperity. They support the idea of individuals being economically responsible for their own actions and decisions. They favor free-market policies supporting business, economic liberalism, more economic freedom, and limited regulation."
I'm not against the idea of a free-market economy, heck, I consider myself to be a a good little capitalist, to an extent, but I'm against letting corporations become mega-corporations, ultimately ruining towns with their big box monopolies (aka WalMart) , running the government from the shadows (aka high-paid lobbyists) and ultimately giving "We the people" the corporate shaft.
Good thing I have a cottage in northern Canada where I can go hide when the shit hits the fan. :twisted:
Well since you do not know me I will say I am not any of those. An if he is not becoming a friend then why did he invite me, my wife and daughters to stay with him at his home in Vincenza for a week? I met him in a cafe and we started to chat. A SRV song came on, of which we are both fans, and our family has has a friendship since then. Now he and I do not share common political views but do have some that are the same. Even though we disagree, we have wonderful discussions in politics. I have many such friends like this in Italy, and the rest of Europe, along in Japan, and Thailand. Some share many political views and others do not. Our family's exchange much with each other.
Just because someone treats you nicely, doesn't mean you're their friend.
The typical North American (OK, lets just say USA because everyone loves the Canucks) is perceived as loud, fat and obnoxious.
You're right - i don't know you from a bar of soap and am merely providing my point of view but i can assure you that your view of Americas international image is a little rose-tinted, from my perspective (lol).
And i don't think Frank means anything personal with his comments. It's actually good we can have a conversation like this without it stooping to abuse.
Also, I am a self-confessed historical junky and have read up about the Seven Year War, WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War (yes, it was a war, not a police action), and have followed Canadian and US politics quite closely since the eighties.
P.S. I do know what fascism stands for and where it originated so I am not using the term lightly.
I think you are confusing me for someone else. LOL
So the liberal and socialist parties are not strong enough to work together so the "Conservatives are getting away with their reforms". Would you say the same if the liberals/socialist were in charge? This is a good example of how liberals view conservatives. Not exactly the open mind that liberals proclaim to be.
No, I would rather have the Liberals or the Socialists in charge because the Canadian Conservatives have been responsible for most of the f**k-ups in Canadian history (I can provide a long list if needed) and the current Conservative party is mostly made up of Reform party people, a fine bunch of rednecks they are. Very anti-homo, anti-French, anti-immigration, anti-abortion, anti-anything that does not fit within their narrow-minded view of reality, i.e. marriage only between a man and a woman, men at work, women at home popping out kids and nothing in between.
During the past election the leader of the Conservatives ordered all members seeking election to shut-up and not speak ot the press under any circumstances, for fear of having one spout off, like they did in the election 4 years ago. Back then, not a week would go by without a ex-Reform party member mouthing off about immigrants, abortion, Québec, etc., an unending source of merriment for us all.
A past girlfriend had a grandfather like that... met the man a few times and had to put up with his short temper and diatribes. Found out later the fanny pack he always carried contained a loaded non-registered 9mm Walther PPK. The man could have gone postal at any minute. After he died of natural causes I got a call from the grandma asking if I could pick up the bullets she found in a box, along with the non-registered Smith & Wesson with hollow-point bullets. Too bad she had already called the cops, I could have kept the Smith & Wesson. :twisted:
Anyhow, back to the political discussion...
The Liberal party has been associated with mostly beneficial programs and initiatives (multiculturalism, bilingualism, employment insurance, universal healthcare, etc.)
Yes, I am a Liberal / Socialist at heart and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Now why does the NCP, a very socialist party that resembles what Stalin promoted, not surprise me that they are popular.
Well, the NDP are popular in my province because the economy is good and people don't trust the provincial Conservatives enough to put them back in power.
Actually no, and this will give you a headache. I was a registered democrat till I was 29. I have registered as a republican, and democrat on others, for primaries. So what do you think now?
I do not see how the idea of smaller govt., less taxation, and free exchange of ideas, all Conservative ideals and foundations, are the same as Fascism, Nazism, and Socialism which are the direct opposite.
I suspected at first but the above statement clinches it... you're a Republican. Am I right? :P My cousin's arguments sound just like yours and he's a hardcore Canadian Conservative.
"Republicans emphasize the role of corporate and personal decision making in fostering economic prosperity. They support the idea of individuals being economically responsible for their own actions and decisions. They favor free-market policies supporting business, economic liberalism, more economic freedom, and limited regulation."
I would agree with this as a very general statement and would probably just remove the idea of corporate decision making to suit my ideals.
I'm not against the idea of a free-market economy, heck, I consider myself to be a a good little capitalist, to an extent, but I'm against letting corporations become mega-corporations, ultimately ruining towns with their big box monopolies (aka WalMart) , running the government from the shadows (aka high-paid lobbyists) and ultimately giving "We the people" the corporate shaft.
Good thing I have a cottage in northern Canada where I can go hide when the shit hits the fan. :twisted:
Here is a good question for you. Do you think that taxing your productivity on a increasing rate the harder and more you work and earn is fair or right?
Your example on mega corporation such as WallMart, and I would add like DELL, Nortel, CISCO, HP, GM, United Airlines, Federated Dept Stores, 3M, The Good Guys, Cox Enterprises, Berkshire Hathaway, Foodmaker Inc. and even Microsoft (to name a few) ruin towns and cities. Walmart has been a favorite target of the left for some time but are they really any different than any of the other corporations I have mentioned? I can tell you that all have helped our economy (Even the 2 Canadian ones listed), employed thousands, and improved the wealth of millions of people mostly in middle class including myself. I do not know about you, but part of my retirement is stocks and mutuals are with those companies. Of course I want them to do good. If you were invested with them too I would think you would want likewise.
Actually no, and this will give you a headache. I was a registered democrat till I was 29. I have registered as a republican, and democrat on others, for primaries. So what do you think now?
Here is a good question for you. Do you think that taxing your productivity on a increasing rate the harder and more you work and earn is fair or right?
The way I understand my income tax is that, there more I make the more I get taxed. I do get to deduct a few things like charitable donations, children and business related expenses. I also understand that the middle class is often required to contribute more to make up for tax incentives (aka tax breaks) given to "big business" and "the rich"... that's not fair !!!
Your example on mega corporation such as WallMart, and I would add like DELL, Nortel, CISCO, HP, GM, United Airlines, Federated Dept Stores, 3M, The Good Guys, Cox Enterprises, Berkshire Hathaway, Foodmaker Inc. and even Microsoft (to name a few) ruin towns and cities. Walmart has been a favorite target of the left for some time but are they really any different than any of the other corporations I have mentioned?
Well, from what I understand, Wally World provides only enough hours to keep most employees as temps rather than full-time so they don't have to pay for medical benefits, vacations, pensions, etc... I know for a fact that Microsoft doesn't do that. Also, it is a documented fact that most small stores around or near a Wally World close their doors because they can't compete with the low Walmart prices. Loyalty be damned, most people will buy cheaper if they can.
Clearly there are differences in how we view the world. Since your a self admitted Socialist, the differences is about what our values are. From your own statements I would make a educated guess that some of your values are equality, fairness, and group rights. Some of my values are, freedom, justice, and individuality.
These are very distinct differences in how we see the world and good examples of the differences between liberals and conservatives.
The way I understand my income tax is that, there more I make the more I get taxed. I do get to deduct a few things like charitable donations, children and business related expenses. I also understand that the middle class is often required to contribute more to make up for tax incentives (aka tax breaks) given to "big business" and "the rich"... that's not fair !!!
I am curious that if you were able to take home more of the money you earned you would make more charitable donations?
In regards to tax breaks in Canada, I cannot speak, but here in the US the top 10% of wage earners pay 65% of the taxes and the top top 50% pay 95% of the income taxes and thats with so called incentives. So the wealthy and middle class pay more taxes and the low income and poor by a very very large margin. Is it fair for the one group to pay the largest majority of the tax burden?
Well, from what I understand, Wally World provides only enough hours to keep most employees as temps rather than full-time so they don't have to pay for medical benefits, vacations, pensions, etc... I know for a fact that Microsoft doesn't do that. Also, it is a documented fact that most small stores around or near a Wally World close their doors because they can't compete with the low Walmart prices. Loyalty be damned, most people will buy cheaper if they can.
Really? Have you seen their payroll? From what I understand and that has been proven, WalMart has a larger percentage of full time employees compared to HP, Intel, Microsoft and the darling of the left, Apple Computer. Did you know that Apple's staff is only 42% full time employees? There rest are contractors. The rest of the all the companies range from 28% to 61%. WalMart has 63% of its staff as full time employees. Thats one of the highest in the nation. There rest for all are contractors.
I have no problem being loyal to a mom and pop store provided they have a reasonable price. Is reasonable 2x or 3x of WalMarts price for the same thing? Do you take the same kind of view with other big box low price stores that sell Electronics? Shoes? Groceries? You know WalMart is not the only company that does this, but because they stand up for conservative issues, liberals hate them but never bother to compare to other stores and business's just like them.
Had to look him up. Interesting. Did Gates take tips on philantropy from this guy?
Actually its the other way around and here is something you might find interesting. Gates spreads his money around giving to both liberal and conservative causes, but more conservative than liberal. As far as I know and have read, Soros has never given to a conservative organization. Did you know that Soros is a billionaire, one of the richest men in the world and a socialist?
Conservative party is mostly made up of Reform party people, a fine bunch of rednecks they are. Very anti-homo, anti-French, anti-immigration, anti-abortion, anti-anything that does not fit within their narrow-minded view of reality, i.e. marriage only between a man and a woman, men at work, women at home popping out kids and nothing in between.
So this is what you think conservatives are? Mine and your cousin's arguments "are just the same?" Sounds pretty dismissive to me rather than make a cogent argument for why the liberal point of view is better.
So why is "multiculturalism, bilingualism, employment insurance, universal healthcare" better?
Conservative party is mostly made up of Reform party people, a fine bunch of rednecks they are. Very anti-homo, anti-French, anti-immigration, anti-abortion, anti-anything that does not fit within their narrow-minded view of reality, i.e. marriage only between a man and a woman, men at work, women at home popping out kids and nothing in between.
So this is what you think conservatives are? Mine and your cousin's arguments "are just the same?" Sounds pretty dismissive to me rather than make a cogent argument for why the liberal point of view is better.
Nope, that's not what I wrote... What I wrote is that the current Conservative Party is made up of former Reform Party members and I was describing them, not Conservatives in general. Remember, I once voted conservative so they weren't all bad back in the day. LOL
My brother-in-law in Québec is a conservative, albeit a "small c one" and we get along fine. My cousin is a "bigger c conservative" but he is not anti-French, being French himself. However, he is anti-homo. :roll:
So why is "multiculturalism, bilingualism, employment insurance, universal healthcare" better?
Remember, you are calling me a Socialist so I'm entitled to prefer the above. I prefer multiculturalism because it makes life more diverse, I prefer bilingualism for the same reason. As far as EI and universal healthcare are concerned, it is only fair that society looks out for the less fortunate.
So, from the nature of our posts, we are definitely on both ends of the political spectrum. Seems we only agree on one thing... Honda wagons are great little cars. I yield to your superior political debating powers and hereby humbly end my participation in this post.
Its obvious you are more interested in the pursuit of information than accusation, which I can understand. In truth, its easy to disagree when it comes to politics but you make very valid points.
Fascism, in my layman's terms is a tool used to control the masses using fear, intolerance. It is unjust for any governmental body to use this against its own, history has taught us this. Italy and Germany, no question, but the US is guilty of this as well. Making people believe that Muslims or anyone of middle eastern descent is/are evil is preposterous.
Sad really, I can see that this country in the name of terrrorism is willing to take care of us from the cradle to the grave. Definately not my personal choice. This fabricated horseshit story of 19 hijackers...
Its about control, we are sending our real money to Dubai and borrowing war bucks from China. We are our own worst enemy, super elitist rich run this country.
As far as our tax contribution, its taxation without representation. I work for the gov't 5 months out of the year and the contribution is increasing. Serfdom, the supreme court put the last nail in the coffin with this one regarding eminent domain. We are entitled to absulutely nothing, other than the shackles of ruthless dictator under the guise of a democratic leader of the greatest superpower on earth???
I can see them building more prisons than schools. I heard a news report a few days ago stating that they plan on closing more local grammar schools as opposed to opening more...all due to lack of attendance!
The very few who could actually attend school now have nowhere to go.
There is a sub-govt responsible for much more than what we can perceive. I refuse to go into this deeper but the evidence is out there and personally believe we are not far away from continental consolidation in the near future and eventually global one-world unification before I kick the bucket. I guess my kids will make good puppets and me, soylent green.
Not only would I say that definition is wrong, but many of my old professors at the Harriman Institute would laff at it. They are also very liberal. Many still think that socialism is a good idea.
Wikipedia is a publicly edited document. Anybody can change it, and I have done so on several occasions. The definition Wikipedia has anti-communism, corporatism, populism as part of fascisim. If you know who Benito Mussolini was then you know none of that is correct. Mussolini took all his examples from his "Russian modello (model)"; a direct quote. Can you guess who that was? Mussolini came to power on a socialist populist wave, so there might be a some similarity there, but he was not a populist. You only have to look at some of the edicts he mandated to see that. Mussolini hated capitalism, and wanted to eradicate it, everything should be owned by the state (an example he borrowed from Russia). Mussolini's thoughts on religion are very interesting. You should do some reading about Mussolini.
Here are a few more facts that you might want to consider; 1932 HG Wells (a Fabian Socialist) gave a speech at Oxford University equated fascisim as enlightened Nazism and hailed is as the progressive and liberal future. he wrote many great articles that were widely read throughout the nation in the 1930's. He was considered to be a leading and major liberal thinker of his time.
1920's to the 30's fasicism was not considered anything remotely conservative or evil. Lincoln Steffens, Ida Tarbell along with the New Republic, brought to you by Herbert Croly, (just to name a few) wrote glowing articles and books about how fascsim was this wonderful experiment of progressive liberalism and how capitalism would die once and for all with this grand idea. I could go on but I think you might want to do some serious research on them.
I do not see how the idea of smaller govt., less taxation, and free exchange of ideas, all Conservative ideals and foundations, are the same as Fascism, Nazism, and Socialism which are the direct opposite.
Private industry and development is what is holding this country together, but it is being hindered by some of the most onerous and mind numbing regulation and taxation. Why do we legislate and tax private business, innovation and development out of existence? Guess where this kind of thinking comes from. Do some investigation on socialist business ideology.
Actually many in the middle east do like us, its the extremists that get all the attention by our media that portray it differently. The media does not give a balanced view or truthful point of view.
Now that is a perfect example of a liberal view. Have you looked at Intel?, IBM? Dell? Apple? CISCO? HP? the semiconductor industry? Well if you do not like the job, then get an education and change your field. Thats your responsibility to keep your job skills up to date. Why blame Wal Mart, they offer fair wages for the jobs people do.
Your right and who has been in charge of the education policy and system in this country since the 1970's ?
So then do you support the idea of vouchers where you get your education tax dollars back to spend as you see fit for you children's education? Allow parents to shop for schools that represent what what they think how their child should best be educated? Open competition between schools for children's education just like several European countries do?
Actually they are not, its just those tax dollars are being spent elsewhere by mandates from politicians. California is a good example of this. California's liberal state govt. spends money for all kinds of social welfare programs. Gas taxes in California are the same as the federal tax rate and when you add county taxes and fees, very little of which go to the roads and infrastructure, its one of the most expensive. If govt would stop all the social welfare programs and spend the tax money on what it was originally intended for then the problem would go away. IMO, it's liberal policies that have brought this on.
It makes no difference. Liberals and progressives throughout the ages have called any war crap. From my history (GWI & II along with various conflicts), my fathers history (Viet Nam and Korea), my grandfathers history (WWII and Korea) and so on. Heck, the same can even be said about our Civil War. Liberals hate war and always believe peace is just a matter of application and discussion. History is quite the opposite, peace has only been won when its fought for and even paid for with blood. Just look at the example of Suleyman reign in regards to the Ottoman Empire. Tell me how you discuss peace when your throat is at the end of a sword?
Where did this come from? Care to give a little more insight? I think you are taking a giant leap in making such a assumption to make a comment about me. I have not assumed anything of the like. I surely must have hit a nerve. So why is this now personal?
In regards to war is hell comment, then ask a few WWII, Korea or Viet Nam, veterans with battlefield experience. If you like I would be happy to get a few friends that are VFW members. I am sure they would agree with my so called opinion, even though its based on experience.
Its not an issue of one person is better than another, its an issue of truth and and what system is better for one person or another.
You're right - i don't know you from a bar of soap and am merely providing my point of view but i can assure you that your view of Americas international image is a little rose-tinted, from my perspective (lol).
And i don't think Frank means anything personal with his comments. It's actually good we can have a conversation like this without it stooping to abuse.
I suspected at first but the above statement clinches it... you're a Republican. Am I right? :P My cousin's arguments sound just like yours and he's a hardcore Canadian Conservative.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republican ... c_policies
"Republicans emphasize the role of corporate and personal decision making in fostering economic prosperity. They support the idea of individuals being economically responsible for their own actions and decisions. They favor free-market policies supporting business, economic liberalism, more economic freedom, and limited regulation."
I'm not against the idea of a free-market economy, heck, I consider myself to be a a good little capitalist, to an extent, but I'm against letting corporations become mega-corporations, ultimately ruining towns with their big box monopolies (aka WalMart) , running the government from the shadows (aka high-paid lobbyists) and ultimately giving "We the people" the corporate shaft.
Good thing I have a cottage in northern Canada where I can go hide when the shit hits the fan. :twisted:
I think you are confusing me for someone else. LOL
No, I would rather have the Liberals or the Socialists in charge because the Canadian Conservatives have been responsible for most of the f**k-ups in Canadian history (I can provide a long list if needed) and the current Conservative party is mostly made up of Reform party people, a fine bunch of rednecks they are. Very anti-homo, anti-French, anti-immigration, anti-abortion, anti-anything that does not fit within their narrow-minded view of reality, i.e. marriage only between a man and a woman, men at work, women at home popping out kids and nothing in between.
During the past election the leader of the Conservatives ordered all members seeking election to shut-up and not speak ot the press under any circumstances, for fear of having one spout off, like they did in the election 4 years ago. Back then, not a week would go by without a ex-Reform party member mouthing off about immigrants, abortion, Québec, etc., an unending source of merriment for us all.
A past girlfriend had a grandfather like that... met the man a few times and had to put up with his short temper and diatribes. Found out later the fanny pack he always carried contained a loaded non-registered 9mm Walther PPK. The man could have gone postal at any minute. After he died of natural causes I got a call from the grandma asking if I could pick up the bullets she found in a box, along with the non-registered Smith & Wesson with hollow-point bullets. Too bad she had already called the cops, I could have kept the Smith & Wesson. :twisted:
Anyhow, back to the political discussion...
The Liberal party has been associated with mostly beneficial programs and initiatives (multiculturalism, bilingualism, employment insurance, universal healthcare, etc.)
Yes, I am a Liberal / Socialist at heart and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Well, the NDP are popular in my province because the economy is good and people don't trust the provincial Conservatives enough to put them back in power.
I would agree with this as a very general statement and would probably just remove the idea of corporate decision making to suit my ideals.
Here is a good question for you. Do you think that taxing your productivity on a increasing rate the harder and more you work and earn is fair or right?
Your example on mega corporation such as WallMart, and I would add like DELL, Nortel, CISCO, HP, GM, United Airlines, Federated Dept Stores, 3M, The Good Guys, Cox Enterprises, Berkshire Hathaway, Foodmaker Inc. and even Microsoft (to name a few) ruin towns and cities. Walmart has been a favorite target of the left for some time but are they really any different than any of the other corporations I have mentioned? I can tell you that all have helped our economy (Even the 2 Canadian ones listed), employed thousands, and improved the wealth of millions of people mostly in middle class including myself. I do not know about you, but part of my retirement is stocks and mutuals are with those companies. Of course I want them to do good. If you were invested with them too I would think you would want likewise.
Now what is your opinion of George Soros?
Well, I did vote Conservative ONCE. :P
The way I understand my income tax is that, there more I make the more I get taxed. I do get to deduct a few things like charitable donations, children and business related expenses. I also understand that the middle class is often required to contribute more to make up for tax incentives (aka tax breaks) given to "big business" and "the rich"... that's not fair !!!
Well, from what I understand, Wally World provides only enough hours to keep most employees as temps rather than full-time so they don't have to pay for medical benefits, vacations, pensions, etc... I know for a fact that Microsoft doesn't do that. Also, it is a documented fact that most small stores around or near a Wally World close their doors because they can't compete with the low Walmart prices. Loyalty be damned, most people will buy cheaper if they can.
Had to look him up. Interesting. Did Gates take tips on philantropy from this guy?
These are very distinct differences in how we see the world and good examples of the differences between liberals and conservatives.
Nope... not at all...
I am curious that if you were able to take home more of the money you earned you would make more charitable donations?
In regards to tax breaks in Canada, I cannot speak, but here in the US the top 10% of wage earners pay 65% of the taxes and the top top 50% pay 95% of the income taxes and thats with so called incentives. So the wealthy and middle class pay more taxes and the low income and poor by a very very large margin. Is it fair for the one group to pay the largest majority of the tax burden?
Really? Have you seen their payroll? From what I understand and that has been proven, WalMart has a larger percentage of full time employees compared to HP, Intel, Microsoft and the darling of the left, Apple Computer. Did you know that Apple's staff is only 42% full time employees? There rest are contractors. The rest of the all the companies range from 28% to 61%. WalMart has 63% of its staff as full time employees. Thats one of the highest in the nation. There rest for all are contractors.
I have no problem being loyal to a mom and pop store provided they have a reasonable price. Is reasonable 2x or 3x of WalMarts price for the same thing? Do you take the same kind of view with other big box low price stores that sell Electronics? Shoes? Groceries? You know WalMart is not the only company that does this, but because they stand up for conservative issues, liberals hate them but never bother to compare to other stores and business's just like them.
Actually its the other way around and here is something you might find interesting. Gates spreads his money around giving to both liberal and conservative causes, but more conservative than liberal. As far as I know and have read, Soros has never given to a conservative organization. Did you know that Soros is a billionaire, one of the richest men in the world and a socialist?
So this is what you think conservatives are? Mine and your cousin's arguments "are just the same?" Sounds pretty dismissive to me rather than make a cogent argument for why the liberal point of view is better.
So why is "multiculturalism, bilingualism, employment insurance, universal healthcare" better?
Nope, that's not what I wrote... What I wrote is that the current Conservative Party is made up of former Reform Party members and I was describing them, not Conservatives in general. Remember, I once voted conservative so they weren't all bad back in the day. LOL
My brother-in-law in Québec is a conservative, albeit a "small c one" and we get along fine. My cousin is a "bigger c conservative" but he is not anti-French, being French himself. However, he is anti-homo. :roll:
Remember, you are calling me a Socialist so I'm entitled to prefer the above. I prefer multiculturalism because it makes life more diverse, I prefer bilingualism for the same reason. As far as EI and universal healthcare are concerned, it is only fair that society looks out for the less fortunate.
So, from the nature of our posts, we are definitely on both ends of the political spectrum. Seems we only agree on one thing... Honda wagons are great little cars. I yield to your superior political debating powers and hereby humbly end my participation in this post.
Salut !!