Newbie looking at buying a 1979 wagon

I have a 1981 Honda C70 motorcycle/scooter, and a 1974 VW Convertible Super Beetle, and I am looking at grabbing a 1979 Honda Civic Wagon. So glad there is a forum for these cars, I'm hoping to buy a classic and keep in running.


  • sohawksohawk Wagonist
    Awesome, don't see too many first gens on the board. Throw up some pics if/when you snag it
  • VeedonfleeceVeedonfleece Band Wagon
    I tried to post in the General Maint board with some questions and pics, but I think because I'm new a moderator has to approve the post. Perhaps it will pop up soon, I don't want to post in the wrong section. Here is one pic though, 66,000 orig miles...I don't have it yet :
  • VeedonfleeceVeedonfleece Band Wagon
    I have tried to post 2 times now on general maintenance board but my posts aren't showing. I wonder if it's because I'm pasting pics in the message?
  • Since you are new a moderator will have to approve your first few posts with pics or links. Hang in there, ours are great at it. PLUS you can't paste in pics, use a photo host like photobucket or anyone of your choice. Welcome to the board!
  • VeedonfleeceVeedonfleece Band Wagon
    Thanks truckslammer, yah I got the photo thing figured out and added pics to my post in the General Maint section. You can view the pics there...
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