OBD0 to 0BD1, back to 0BD0 confusion (with pics)

So like the title says, Im having issues with OBD conversions. Im putting an OBD0 A6 from a 1990 RT4wd into a 1990 2wd wagon that was swapped with a OBD1 SOHC vtec zc.

I pulled the zc out of the 2wd in running condition. My master plan is to rebuild this engine, put the A6 from my rt4wd in the 2wd, and then put the zc in the rt4wd and be happy. This has proved to be more difficult than I thought.

The A6 is in my 2wd wagon. I have been trying to use the engine harness from the A6 in the 2wd, but it hasnt been going so well. Ive got the PM6 ecu in the car wired up (the previous owner used a Rywire conversion harness) and the distributor, injectors, and most of the shock tower plugs connected. The issue im running into is the passenger side shock tower plug on the 0BD0 A6 engine harness matches up, with the exception of a 6 wire plug. The driver side plug from the A6 harness has 8 wires, while the chassis plug has 14.

I went on to try and depin the driver side plug and wire the wires up individually after tracing them back, but im starting to think this isnt the best solution. Before I go on any further Id like to get some feed back.

Here are some pics of the plugs

Driver side plug: (partially re pinned)



Passenger side harness with unknown 6 wire plug:


I also went ahead and traced cyl 4 and 2 injectors to be hard wired to the ecu, so I spliced the injectors from the A6 wiring to the hard wires:



As I was writing this I sort of came to the conclusion that de pinning the distributor plugs and using the harness that was already in the chassis, but seeing that ive already got the engine in the car with the original harness, and spliced some stuff, if there is any way I can salvage the situation simply I would like to go about it like that. Ive traced back most of the wiring but if anyone has a pin out of it that would be useful. But Ill have the same issues once Im putting the ZC back in the rt, so if its going to be harder this way i would rather not have to do it twice.

Did my best to minimize confusion with my post, but its sounding pretty confusing. Let me know if you have any questions with my set up. Thanks for your time
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