Custom Wired-In USB Dual Port Charger - Modernizing My Wagon
Senior Wagonist
I saw a guy put one of these in the back ashtray or something similar to it at least
going to wire it up tomorow i got the usb port and drilled a hole in about 5 minutes to get it perfectly tight it has a back nut that spins on the threads to tighten up
i got some silicone to set the nut in place to prevent it from backing as a precaution
it looks to have really simple wiring two prongs
marked neg and pos
it claims to be a 12v so im going to tap into a hot wire that is activated with the key in on position
and the dash harness main ground is located right here stock as well so thats a quick wire.
I hope theres a transformer in there somewhere because it does have two different amperages i assume there is a transformer in there
ill try to charge a old phone first
oh and just so you know i placed it here really quick with no planning i realize its not very passenger friendly but its close enough for me
going to wire it up tomorow i got the usb port and drilled a hole in about 5 minutes to get it perfectly tight it has a back nut that spins on the threads to tighten up
i got some silicone to set the nut in place to prevent it from backing as a precaution
it looks to have really simple wiring two prongs
marked neg and pos
it claims to be a 12v so im going to tap into a hot wire that is activated with the key in on position
and the dash harness main ground is located right here stock as well so thats a quick wire.
I hope theres a transformer in there somewhere because it does have two different amperages i assume there is a transformer in there
ill try to charge a old phone first
oh and just so you know i placed it here really quick with no planning i realize its not very passenger friendly but its close enough for me
yeah i edited the post like 5 times when i posted it last night and new images kept coming up as the ones i put in even tho id go back to the roginal link every time... its been happening a lot on this forum for me and only on here...
i re published the image so hopefully i get dibs on the url this time... -_-
greentea will tell ya lol i posted a motor or something as my LED instrument gauge he was like wtf?
complete it works and is pretty cool i must say