bad battery relocation

So I just recently got my first EF wagon which I'm super stoked.. But the guy I got the car from did a battery relocation to the rear and the car has trouble starting you hear the main relay clicking car turning over 5 times out if ten.. Almost like its not getting enough power so I proceed to push start it turns on but almost wants to die and when it revs passed 3k it starts back firing than dies again.. Than pushed started it one more time and it did it again for a second than its fine until I park and dies and proceed to have to push start it.. Any ideas? Thanks


  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Undo the relocation and then test again. It sounds like you have more than one issue going on there.
  • benjiwagonmanbenjiwagonman Band Wagon
    Plan on doing 2maro he said it didn't start doing it until he did the relocation I'm thinking its not getting enough power to keep the car running also going to check altanator in the am will keep the thread updated
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