D15b7 block with d15b2 head and externals overheat

So I just picked up my 2nd wagon previous owner put the original head and external components on a 5th gen block d15b7 my question is are thermal sensors and fan switch going to work against each other because of different temperature settings between the two generations ? or are they the same ? Also is there a difference in temp settings on 4th generation and 5th gen thermostats ? Reason I'm asking is motor ran fine 40 miles one way freeway back and forth to work for a week no problems with no thermostat! replaced thermastat with d15b2 thermastat and there wasn't one in the housing and had water no coolant in motor, Also replaced radiator cap drove for about 30 miles on freeway got off and started to over heat ! Fan wasn't coming on . Replaced fan switch d15b7 also thermo sensor d15b2and fan relay purged system and fan turned on then shut off and overheated . woke up the next morning and purge system again thermostat cycled fan turned on waiting for a second time and good to go ,do you guys think the problem is fixed? Air in the system the first time? Or possibly problems with the two generations, sensors , thermostats Any input would be great thanks for your help.


  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    If there is no thermostat present then usually that means someone has encountered a problem they cannot fix and gave up, letting the engine stay cooler than it should and passing the problem onto the next person.
  • natetattoonatetattoo Band Wagon
    Haydz wrote: »
    If there is no thermostat present then usually that means someone has encountered a problem they cannot fix and gave up, letting the engine stay cooler than it should and passing the problem onto the next person.
    Thanks I have now replaced both temp sensors ,fan relay , upper and lower radiator, both heater hoses and heater hose off of temp control unit , bypass hose fan now turns on and cooling system cycles and fan turns on ! Drove slow to parts store came back good to go ! To my dismay I see a little condensation around the bottom of the overflow tank gonna replace that now too for piece of mind ?
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