fuel pump kill switch/button

So I'm installing a fuel pump kill switch..
But I want a switch I can push in and will stay enabled as long as there is power flowing through it. When I turn off my car the switch will pop out/disable.. This way I dont have to flip the switch off every time I turn the car off..

I have seen such a button/switch, but I have no ideal what its called.. I have searched Google, with no luck..

Any have a clue what its called...



  • That would be more like a relay. It works that way in my power tools I have several on safety switches. If there's no power going to the switch itself I can push the button all day long and it doesn't stay activated. It's not until the current can actually flow into the relays that they stay engaged. I'm not familiar with it for an automobile application
  • I was just thinking maybe a momentary button to enable a relay, then the relay would disable when the voltage is cut..

    I will have to do some more searching... I'm just not using the right key words, i'm not sure what key words to use.. I keep coming up with iphone or PC buttons not working..
  • I think they use latching relays for that. I'll look into it more myself but check them out, here is a diagram I found that seems pretty simple.
  • I think they use latching relays for that. I'll look into it more myself but check them out, here is a diagram I found that seems pretty simple.
  • resettable circuit breaker?
  • Do those pop when juice is cut? I thought they just did when they were shorted.
  • Well after a little searching I found these..
    I'm not sure it this will work.. but I'm hoping!!

    greenteagod for pointing me in the right direction!!
  • the circuit breakers pop only when they are shorted i believe, but i wasnt sure if thats what mrjaydm was thinking of.
  • No, I want the switch/button to reset once the power is cut..

    I will have to turn the key to accessories so there will be power to the relay, press the button to enable the relay/fuel pump.
    then start the car.

    When I turn the car off the relay will reset or turn off, disabling the fuel pump..

    I'm also toying with the ideal of installing an Ignition start button with PKE RFID
  • Hopefully those are the right relays, I'm not certain. I found this youtube clip though.

    In the video when he talks about turning the relay off with the second button. That could, I think, be your power from the key. So when that was cut it would effectively open the circuit and the relay should power off.

    Don't burn anything up and sue me please =D

    Also please take detailed pictures if you go through the process, it's always great to get knowledge like this out there since this could always have applications for others or other accessories.
  • I'm pretty sure they are the right relays

    Thanks for the vid greentea, I really appreciate your help..

    Using the ignition as the 2nd "button" to open the circuit is a great idea!!!

    I will definitely make a mock up to make sure its all working correctly be for I install it on my car.
    This is why I ordered more than one relay just in case I fried one or two..

    I didn't realize before I made the purchase, the shipping is going to take up to 2 weeks..
    They need to hurry up on the drone delivery idea, this would be awesome!!
  • MrJayDMMrJayDM Wagonist
    I'm going a different direction with this...
    I bought a E3-B Smartkey Push Button Start Car Alarm System with 2 key fobs

    The relays are still on the way, they should be here Monday..
    I'm still going to make a mock up of the wiring, as Greentea said this can be used for many different applications for others accessories.
  • klumklum Senior Wagonist
    please do a write up thats frekin awesome! - MrJayDM
  • MrJayDMMrJayDM Wagonist
    The Latching Relays came today, tomorrow I need to stop by The Home Depot to pick up a few things and I will start on the mockup!!
  • Interesting! I am in for the win.
  • klumklum Senior Wagonist
    WHERE YOU AT MANNNNN!!! ??????
    its been like a month! Really interested in the final product!
  • vrmouseyvrmousey New Wagonist
    I have a kill switch on my 89 2wd. Kill switch is NORMALLY CLOSED, MOMENTARY CONTACT. I use it to kill the motor on downhills, ect for better mpg's. This is all in the stock wiring, at the main relay.


    Momentary contact, normally closed switch (no relay required to kill) :


    This is the EOC ( Engine Off Coasting ) Kill switch in place (it has trouble starting back up if you kill it above an idle - DPFI) :


    Looks like you might have changed your mind, but this is my solution to that same issue. Figured I'd share for the next guy.

    By the way, my car alarm is also tied in line with this same wire (with a relay, since the alarm switches ground) to disable the car..


    This diagram is from a friend of mine's photobucket, I'll just share here.

  • klumklum Senior Wagonist
    vrmousey wrote: »
    I have a kill switch on my 89 2wd. Kill switch is NORMALLY CLOSED, MOMENTARY CONTACT. I use it to kill the motor on downhills, ect for better mpg's. This is all in the stock wiring, at the main relay.

    So you just need to use a two prong switch and put it between the yellow and black wire

  • vrmouseyvrmousey New Wagonist
    klum wrote: »
    So you just need to use a two prong switch and put it between the yellow and black wire


    Yup. No relay. Just need the right kind of switch! Got the diagram from my buddy in the ecomodder, works like a charm.

    I like the normally closed momentary contact because you push the switch to kill, and let go for normal. Simple bump start to get the motor back on, and you're golden. .

  • bkmc24bkmc24 Senior Wagonist
    Realistically, you could have used a power on relay. Where to find them other than COSO in the AF, idk, but that's essentially all they do. Have it wired to ignition power, turn the key, energizes the relay, pump primes.
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