Frozen thermostat or heater core?

I'm at a loss and am wondering if anyone can help me. First off, I have a 2wd wagon with a d15b2 in it. Now the problem. I was driving to work last night and my car ran fine but I was getting cold air instead of heat. I figured it was just the heater core and I would fix it the following day. But on my way home my car was starting to sputter and trying to die. It also started to over heat, so I pulled over to the side of the road and popped the hood. I noticed I had a coolant leak somewhere in the front of my motor. I can't tell if it's coming from one of my hoses or somewhere else, I can't find the leak. After looking for about 20 min I gave up and tried to drive it home. On my way home my car would start to over heat when I would go over 20 mph. So I stayed at 20 and made it home. Is it possible that my thermostat or heater core freezing causing a hose to bust? Or my block to crack for that matter?
Cheaper way would be to actually find the leak in daylight. Theoretically, a stuck closed thermostat could build pressure, causing a leak somewhere as well as no heat.
Overheating and no heater together spells no coolant or no coolant flow. It is the classic symptom of freeze damage, which you mentioned already.
Do you have reason to believe it might have gelled? Did you have enough antifreeze in the mix?
do this:
1) check the oil. If it is overfull and milky there's internal freeze damage. But...
2) since you've already told us there's an external leak, pour it full of coolant and identify the source. The bad news is that hoses dont freeze and burst,they can expand. Metal parts do break. It's very important to know where the leak is to make a good repair decision.
In other words, don't throw a hundy worth of hoses, stat and coolant at it until you know the block is ok. Look for a waterfall behind the exhaust manifold.
I agree. My "fix" is entirely shot gunning parts and not trying to find the fix. Also why my second mentioned was the correct route. I guess I always assume people know to try and find the issue before buying stuff, but then again I need to stop that as well lol. I was mainly answering his questions as opposed to reading into the issue more.