bolt keeps spinning, spinning, & spinning

while trying to change my rear bushing in my Rt wagon both of the bolts that hold the bar through the bushing just keep spinning and spinning. they wont tighten or losen im guessing the bolt on the inside of the body is broken. my rear wheel has a lot of play.

how would I go about getting this replace? do I need to cut into my body and reweld the bolt? ive never cut into a car before and am real nervous and don't want to do it if I don't need a point in the right direction would be much appreciated


  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Hmm, that's a tough one. You'll have to get inside there somehow. Wonder if you can cut a window from the top?
  • Do you have any space under the bolt head? Like, enough to get a flat head into?

    If you have an impact and can apply constant pulling pressure, you might be able to get enough bite to hold the loose captured nut.
  • yea bam that was the first thing my neighbor said was to start cutting :'( but I mean shes gonna start getting cut up anyways so might as well get some practice right? lol

    and low flying yea I could definitely fit something in there ill have to give it a shot . I don't have access to a impact at the moment. I plan on getting one after Christmas

    heres a shot of both sides just so you can get a picture of what im working with.

  • heres a not so close one maybe I could go from the side? or would you say to go from the cab?3.jpg~original4.jpg~original
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    So in my Shuttle there is a hole in the floor right above the RTA link where you can access the bolts...
  • Is that just underliner and dirt flaking off there or is there a huge crack as well. Shadow is making it look cracked. Hoping not though =D
  • klumklum Senior Wagonist
    does anyone else have bushings on that bolt? lol
    on mine i dont recall any dual wrench action needed on that.. good luck!
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator

    So... does anybody else have these?
  • hayds I wish i had those holes! it would make my life alot easier at this moment. but now i know a good spot to cut out.

    greentea, yea thats just the underliner i went and double checked its solid

    klum the spacers are due to the lift. and it shouldnt have been a dual wrench job but the nuts inside must have broken free of their welds cause all they do is spin. doesnt get tighter or loser... just my luck..
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    The spacers are the part of the "dummies" method, and not necessary or a good idea. In fact, the leverage on those captive nuts caused by spacering that pivot may well have caused this problem. Don't reinstall them.
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Haydz, are those holes original? I mean not cut? Neato!
  • bam-bam wrote: »
    The spacers are the part of the "dummies" method, and not necessary or a good idea. In fact, the leverage on those captive nuts caused by spacering that pivot may well have caused this problem. Don't reinstall them.

    In that case, just need to re-clock the RTA bushing, right?
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Replace with a polyurethane one. Or better yet, that spherical $$$$ one Jaker used!
  • Bam bam so those spacer don't help out my CV axle or anything like that? I'll definitely drop them when I get these bolts out. And forgive my newbish but what do you mean by the Rta need to be re clocked??

    As as far as getting down and dirty. I'll need to wait till after Christmas to start citing so I can get my zip wheel from my parents. I'll probably cut holes in the can like Hayde has looks sorta safe to me.
  • 503wagon already provided me with the replacement bushing. Idk what it's made out of tho. Let's hope he got the good one for me haha
  • klumklum Senior Wagonist
    yeah that would be my next point with the flex and stress i think thats what happened to my diff mounting bolts from doing the" diff thud knock fix" now that i think about it (but then again the U joints were fried for lord knows how long )
    and oh that makes more sense i knew you were refering to ur fix but wasnt aware on the other end of those studs were wrenchable nuts but i guess thats why haydz has cutout points i may be wrong i havent been under my wagon in like a year
  • Haydz, could I bug you for a closer shot of your holes? Got ahold of some cutting devices, ready to to makes some service holes haha
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Things to note;
    -The red line shows where the lip is within 5mm of the underbody
    -The hole is massive and doesn't need to be - start small
    -If you fuck it up, it's not my fault
    -It only gets you access to one of the nuts, and it's not even a nut (see below)
    -Asking for shots of a guys holes on the internet is asking for trouble

  • Sweet man thanks for that! as not as I can get the bushing off andthe new one on I'll be happy. My wheel moves a good inch back and forth right now and the bolts seem to be tight enough.
    and yes It's 100% me won't be pointing any fingers here lol
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
  • G.dedmoreG.dedmore Band Wagon
    1.jpg~originalok so I made a tad bit of progress today I got the whole cut (thanks to haydz) and im pretty sure ill be anle to get my vice grips on the retched fixed bolt. I think it got pushed up on a bump or something unless the former owner was able to losen it a tad when he tried to replace it. so I think if I can get the bushing off with just one blot undone but at the same time I would like to possibly get access to the other one to. heres a couple pics. so now I was just wondering if that other bolt is accessible by cutting like so or what it looks like to me from bams pictures (thank you bam for pointing those pics out to me) that its actually bolted to the frame. if its not ill just go about trying to get the bushing off from that one side.
  • G.dedmoreG.dedmore Band Wagon
    Ta I'm stupid of course it's in the frame. Lmao new question is it safe to cut from the top or should I just say screw it and start cutting off the original melted stuck bushing?
  • I know this is old but!!
    I had the same problem on a 94 civic coupe. I cut a hole on top as you did..
    I ended up drilling out both bolts and re threading the bold holes..
    Obviously I had to put a bigger bolt in, but it all worked out well!!
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