new guy here from winston salem. nc!

I'm ryan, not to new to honda's have owned 4 cb7's, 3 ls swapped hatchs. 3 Da's and a few eg's and picked up my 2nd wagovan today. my first was a 91 rt4wd auto. had to let her go because it had 401k and was from wva and pretty rusty. my wife about killed me over that lol by the way she was a toyota girl when we met until she rode in my honda's. set her in wright haha but anyways i always regretted selling that car. the guy i sold it to just pulled the motor and scrapped it
so i found a 90 wagovan bugged the guy for 3 weeks and he finely broke down and told me a price and i went and got it. feels great to have another one because there very hard to find around her. Just gotta get this wagovan wright. it is a d15 auto so i see a ls swap very soon. and pull off the crap ebay coilover sleeves. lots to read i know but after a year of owning only American crap cars its great to be back.
