Quarter panles

I searched and googled but was unable to find anything on replacement quarter panels, so forgive me if this has already been discussed in length.
I need to replace the quarter panels on my wagon and I live in the states. Is there a supplier I can purchase from or a another model I can use with a bit a work?
I need to replace the quarter panels on my wagon and I live in the states. Is there a supplier I can purchase from or a another model I can use with a bit a work?
Get panels for a '91 sedan. the wheel opening shape is a bit thinner, but it'll work. I think the sedan rockers work too. Other than that, your only hope is find a donor wagon which, if you find a wagon with good quarters might be a better platform to build upon than to scavenge from.
A rust free civic in New England would be very hard to come by.... as you would know:smug:
There is also a thread that actually shows you what the sedan panel looks like when it's installed as there is a gap and it looks weird. Can't find it right now but haven't tried many search terms.
Here it is
I might try giving it a go with sheet metal and just build it. I'm looking for more excuses anyways to break out the welder. The good thing is that one quarter panel can be used as a template. I'll start another thread once I get going on it.
That's what we like to hear. Unfortunately rear quarter cancer seems to be common on these cars in the US. More options for repair are always welcome.
Here's an option. This sight has the entire back panel.
It's a bit much (and expensive) but it's good to know something's out there.
Stock body panel #'s
Left 04642SH5310ZZ
Right 04636SH5310ZZ