New Wagon in Olympia, WA

Hi guys!!!!! I'm wagon owner! It's an 89 FWD with an automatic. As you will see from the pictures I will post tomorrow, it's going to be a project. I've been browsing around the site for research and info, but I would like to have an idea of available engine swaps and accompanying motor mounts. I bought the car for 500 bucks, and the previous driver (roommate) said he may have ran it out of oil AND water LOLOLOLOL. I'm leary of the long-term potential of the motor, so I think it would be best to start fresh with a better motor anyway haha.

I will post pictures tomorrow and hope to hear from many fellow Wagoneers :0)


  • Also.....the car has been sitting for about a year.
  • Glad to welcome another PNW wagoneer to the site! There are serious amounts of information here so search and lurk around and I am sure you'll find what you need to know.
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