rt4wd from Croatia:)

Hello there, just want to show my wagon i bought a month ago...
having some problems with previous owner killing the engine (experimenting with HHO)
and found a crashed one from first owner, with real 100k km on the clock. :encouragement:
and bought a civic so i can drive i civic while i drive my civic :devilish:
its 91 d16 model
heres a pic driving it to my home




  • r4ptorr4ptor Band Wagon
    today got a free afternoon so we decided to remove the engine ourselfe
  • Dobar civic!
  • U kojom gradu ste?
  • r4ptorr4ptor Band Wagon
    Google translator much? :D
    near Zagreb, Ivanić Grad!
  • No it's not google translate. My family is from Croatia and Bosna. Moje ime je Anto.
  • r4ptorr4ptor Band Wagon
    Well, didn't think i will find someone with roots to this place on a forum.
    lets take this to pm :smug:
  • r4ptorr4ptor Band Wagon
    And last sunday I got to start working on the wagon, heres a pic when we put the motor in and later that night.



    -new clutch (exedy)
    -gearbox oil (again)
    -oil filter and engine oil
    -fuel and air filter
    -spark plugs
    -diff oil
    -new thermostat and coolant
    -timing belt and accessories have been changed at 105k by previous owner(now has 114k) and they look like new, just retensioned the belt
    -installed a switch so i can turn power to the rear wheels on and off
    -new CV joints on both front axles
    -brake discs and new pads on front
    -drained the old brake fluid, brakes have been bleeded
    -disassembled the front calipers and sliders, cleaned and greased (oh they were rusted dear god)

    Here are some plans:
    -15" rims painted black, with fat tyres
    -complete paint job (in spring)
    -roof rack
    -USB radio and 2 normal speakers
    -front bar with fog lights
    -swap complete interior with the car i got for parts (my ain't that bad, but in parts car is mint)
    -replace right side mirror (this one wobbles after 40mph)
    -wide angle rear view mirror

    But first problems, of course.
    After swap, car runs like a charm, just purring its way along the street.
    again car has abnormal fuel consumption
    it is around 12L/100km what is around 19MPG, which is terrible
    it doesn't matter if i drive like a economic, slow, fast or beat the shit of it, turn the 4wd on or off, its the same number

    all the vacuum lines have been checked and swapped from the normal functioning motor, along with the intake manifold, vacuum sensors and O2 sensor in the exhaust
    no fuel leeks or fuel smell of any kind
    car doesn't burn oil or smoke at all
    starts too good on cold and warm
    compression is 12.8-13 bar on all 4 cly

    going to check spark plugs color on the oncoming week to see if she's running rich and check the ignition timing
    the fuel consumption is killing me, I'm driving 200 miles a week (job) and it ain't cheap
  • Any updates?
  • r4ptorr4ptor Band Wagon
    yes, been kinda busy lately!

    -replaced complete interior with the other car
    -USB radio
    -right side mirror replaced
    -replaced the o2 sensor with used one (friend had one) and fuel consumption is down to normal (7,5-8L/100km) which i think is good, the o2 sensor isn't that great, it gets 02 sensor error here and there but it doesn't matter for now

    I'm going to make front bullbar but I don't know what size of piping is the original one? so if anybody has any info about pipe diameter it would be awesome

    and some heavy load transportation :encouragement:
    1/2 ton stance on the rear
  • Very nice.
  • r4ptorr4ptor Band Wagon
    was having a little fun with the wagon after playing with an extra airbox that i had laying around and a friend decided to tape it!

    so here it is :devilish:
  • How did the wagon handle pulling the other wagon? n it just has a 1.6L?
  • r4ptorr4ptor Band Wagon
    Like a champ!
    trailer alone is a little over 1000 pounds!
    combined with another shuttle is rougly 3500 pounds! and i even took 2 friends with me (talking about overload)

    the only problem was the engine, it burned over 2 liters of oil in 150miles trip
    yes, engines on both wagons are 1.6L
  • r4ptorr4ptor Band Wagon
    Here's the other side of previous video, onboard video of that accelaration :cool:

    Another wagon trip! This time we did 450 miles over a weekend, and gosh, it was FUN!
    [IMG]https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/10885071_686428534805829_2253270062526495361_n.jpg ?oh=020382a4f7301b192bfb178027757449&oe=5539D904&__gda__=1425794745_86b027aeac84b5fa3da4cd7808e1c72 5[/IMG]

    And some drifting, 40 min of fun! But wagon doesn't like drifting, waaay too much grip for a shitty honda, even in first gear.
    [IMG]https://scontent-b-vie.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10882380_10152931259234726_5124153116665098087_n.j pg?oh=24f4efdeaa38bf6c0b11b6a642451f3b&oe=553DC93A[/IMG]
    [IMG]https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/10885092_10152931265969726_5511350117177620163_n.j pg?oh=341e45c202f581ad8db2ebcc2101c5c1&oe=55405BA7&__gda__=1428426078_99ccacd7ce6be6dbb65fe8e8126d852 d[/IMG]

    And wagon vs. my previous car, EF B16 over at his new owner!
    [IMG]https://scontent-b-vie.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/10802023_10152931268479726_1310753465032201609_n.j pg?oh=8f568dabe84b4e34711634b2b8b8558b&oe=553CC87B[/IMG]
  • catchcatch Band Wagon
    Pozdrav iz Karlovca ;) ;)
  • Hey R4ptor,
    I am on holliday at croatia right now..
    I saw u got a totalled shuttle too..
    Do you have the complete exhaust and do you maybe sell it to me ?
    I have to go 1550 kilometers vack to home in 7 days xD...

    I hope u will read this message asap.

    Please email me or somthing.

    Grtz Dylan van de Velde
    Now from Pula.
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