traction bars?

i am looking into getting a traction bar for my 1991 wagon 2wd, i am looking into the k tuned bar, does anyone know if its a straight bolt on affair or is there always a little modification to put a traction bar on the wagon?


  • My innovative bar bolted right in. You just have to remove the stock tow hooks and stock crossmember/torsion bars. Super easy install!
  • smokinlocsmokinloc Band Wagon
    ok sweet, im prolli gonna get the k tuned traction bar (formally etd) and i just wanted to confirm the tow hook bolt locations are the same as a hatch :D
  • i had an etd traction bar on my old hatchback, and i did not like it. the aluminum bars that took place of the strut rods/radius arms, would creak a lot during braking. it was a direct bolt in after removing the stock tow hooks.
  • Hmmm...I feel like the bars on the innovative setup are steel, not aluminum...I could be wrong though. I'll be interested to see if I notice any creakinng....
  • innovative might be steel, im not sure. my etd traction bar had aluminum rods, which bolted to the lower control arm, but the bar that bolted to the tow hook spots was steel.
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