86 4WD build - Need Help

Hello bros,

I'm breaking my wagon apart and rebuilding the engine, transmission and 4WD.

I've been searching for a soft copy of service manual of push button 4WD. I've found lost of manuals including RT 4WD but not push button type.

I don't know how is the electrical wiring from the push button to a motor to engage the 4WD.

I would appreciate it very much any of soft copy service manual, pictures of your own wagons for the push button 4WD. Thanks in advance !

Here are some PICs of the work




  • tinhpttinhpt Band Wagon
    Just to update the progress.

    The whole engine is completed, waiting to drop in the car.
  • Nice job man, glad it's back together. Can't wait to see it in the car.
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