Rev hang..?
New Wagonist
Hey, new guy here (Intro will be coming in the members thread soon) and being new to Honda in general, I'm sure I'll have tons of questions as I go.
Just picked up a 91 RT4WD a week ago today actually.
It runs and drives excellent but I've noticed it has a little bit of rev hang which I'm guessing isn't normal and makes shifting annoying. It's not super bad or anything but the RPMs do come down rather slowly. What would cause this?
*May 3rd EDIT*
So the following is a list of the things I've tried but the problem continues. No worse, no better.
1. Adjusted the throttle cable near the throttle body to make sure it's not too tight.
2. Pulled off the intake hose, sprayed TB cleaner on the butterfly to wiped clean. (It was actually surprisingly clean in there already.)
3. Sprayed silicon into the throttle cable sheathing, although nothing felt like it like it was stiff or binding in the first place.
I'm gonna try to isolate the problem now to see if it's happening at the throttle body itself, or where the cable & linkage meet, or if it's the cable itself and report back to have this documented for the future.
Quick question.. Is the throttle cable wagon specific?
Just picked up a 91 RT4WD a week ago today actually.
It runs and drives excellent but I've noticed it has a little bit of rev hang which I'm guessing isn't normal and makes shifting annoying. It's not super bad or anything but the RPMs do come down rather slowly. What would cause this?
*May 3rd EDIT*
So the following is a list of the things I've tried but the problem continues. No worse, no better.
1. Adjusted the throttle cable near the throttle body to make sure it's not too tight.
2. Pulled off the intake hose, sprayed TB cleaner on the butterfly to wiped clean. (It was actually surprisingly clean in there already.)
3. Sprayed silicon into the throttle cable sheathing, although nothing felt like it like it was stiff or binding in the first place.
I'm gonna try to isolate the problem now to see if it's happening at the throttle body itself, or where the cable & linkage meet, or if it's the cable itself and report back to have this documented for the future.
Quick question.. Is the throttle cable wagon specific?
I loosened the adjustment as mentioned above but there is no change with how slowly the revs come down.. Any other ideas?
The throttle cable itself could be an issue. It has a rubber nipples that could be torn and is interfering with the steel cable. It wouldn't hurt to spray some silicone into the liner
Manually open and close the throttle while the engine is idling. Meaning apply force to the lever attached to the throttle cable to open and close and don't rely on the spring to snap it shut.
Repeat this only this time open the throttle and let the spring snap it shut. Compare the results.
Do this test with and without the throttle cable attached. The results here should get you closer to the cause and the solution. Hope it helps man.
It's safe to say now that it's definitely not cable or throttle body plate related. The revs come down just as slow whether I let the spring close the TB or if I push it closed by hand. Usually by this point, one of the things tried would have solved the problem, starting to get annoying.
Could it be a vacuum leak possibly?