loud clunk if ROLLING in reverse

Ok i posted in the Driveline area about a rearend issue, but i beleive this second issue is a brake issue maybe?? when i drive up a hill and let the car roll back i hear a loud CLUNK after a short distance. Never noticed it till the last few days...maybe it was always there but i never heard it before. anyone expreience this??? i think it is brake related. BTW rt4wd


  • I had this problem, but it wasn't a single clunk, but repeatedly. Turns out it was just the exhaust hitting the driveshaft... bended it a little bit out of the way, problem solved.
  • wabashkywabashky New Wagonist
    HAHA, that might be what my problem is actually. It is rusted and hangs a little crooked....when i check on it tonight i will see if that is a possibility. Thanks

  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Can also be the humongous bush sitting above the diff.
  • wabashkywabashky New Wagonist
    it was the u-joints on the drive shaft. disabled 4wd and all is grraaavvvyyy
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