4WD Automatic Shifter. Proper operation.

Greetings. I have yet to obtain an owners manual for my wagon. I was curious if someone could break down the functions of the shifter in terms of the 4WD. THe 2LOW button and the S4 button. Nothing seems to happen when I depress either of them...at least I think thats the case. Clearly I am fairly new to the 4WD wagon.


Thank you!



  • mtnkid85mtnkid85 Band Wagon
    Some what late, but since no one else has commented. 2Low locks you into first, then when the gear selctor is in the S mode the S4 button will allow you to shift between 3rd and 4th. I believe the S mode also raise all the automatic shift points.
  • Mr.EMr.E Band Wagon
    Ive been wondering abt that forever.smh and thanks
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