Civic Wagon Nationals??

So, the other day I was looking through pics from IA last summer. I am jonesing for car show season once again. But I think I had the most fun ever at IA with the huge wagon crew that showed up.
This got me thinking…. Show of hands who would be down to have a National wagon meet.
We have a killer PNW crew, us southern boys don't do half bad, NJ crew reps hard and all you guys in-between.
Far fetched? Maybe… But I think it can be done. Now I'm not saying next month or anything. This will take some serious planning. I for one would be down for a heck of a road trip for something like this!
Here are some ideas I was kicking around today while daydreaming of this. First off,
It would have to be central US located to make it fair game for almost everyone. (sorry Alaska and Hawaii)
Upon a quick google search, the geographical center if the United States is Lebanon, Kansas
Perhaps fair game? That makes my road trip 1,231 miles.
Small dot on the map town, so we might want to go to a bigger location.
My only rule would be Honda Civic Wagons Only!! Not a ricer convention - rather a Mecca for those of us who really take this hobby serious.
We could set up convoys along the way or whatever and if you couldn't drive, fly in to a local airport and we can pick you up.
Take me serious or don't, but I think this would be fantastic!
Who's down?
This got me thinking…. Show of hands who would be down to have a National wagon meet.
We have a killer PNW crew, us southern boys don't do half bad, NJ crew reps hard and all you guys in-between.
Far fetched? Maybe… But I think it can be done. Now I'm not saying next month or anything. This will take some serious planning. I for one would be down for a heck of a road trip for something like this!
Here are some ideas I was kicking around today while daydreaming of this. First off,
It would have to be central US located to make it fair game for almost everyone. (sorry Alaska and Hawaii)
Upon a quick google search, the geographical center if the United States is Lebanon, Kansas
Perhaps fair game? That makes my road trip 1,231 miles.
Small dot on the map town, so we might want to go to a bigger location.
My only rule would be Honda Civic Wagons Only!! Not a ricer convention - rather a Mecca for those of us who really take this hobby serious.
We could set up convoys along the way or whatever and if you couldn't drive, fly in to a local airport and we can pick you up.
Take me serious or don't, but I think this would be fantastic!
Who's down?
Im feeling the same way.
~4600+km round trip.
I'll need to get a passport and convince a friend to come along. 22 hours each way is quite a bit
Shiiiiit.... I did Phoenix and back in a weekend once lol (50hr/round trip)
When I bought my S13 a couple years ago I drove 7 hours each way in one day. It's quite the experience driving a swapped car 7 hours home. We had left at 2 am, and I got back home at 6pm, then drove around until about midnight. The things we do for cars...
My only worry about the trip would be car problems.
Traveling and meeting up in a convoy is always nice too. I'm getting AAA soon anyways since all I drive is old crappy cars.
Yep... :P
only like 358.7 miles for me...
What is the date?
Mad Max won't make it... but Pebbles should.
Maybe I can get the RT-ZC-SC-AT up and going by then.
Need a date.
Summer works best for me with my kids.
Mayor: James Jennings
Office: (918) 485-4586
Cell phone: (918) 510-2307
Occupation: Grocer
Number of years as mayor: 6; preceded by 3 years on council.
Family: Wife Kay; daughters Tiffany, Nicole, Haley;
grandchildren Bannon and Macey
So, what's everyone's thoughts? Want to wait til next year, or try do do something late summer this year?
Starting to get excited. I'm actually ready to head out tomorrow