RT shift bushing option, 3D print

I posted a 'wanted' thread in the Marketplace, but I have yet to get a response, so I thought I would try posting something here. As it has been discussed here before the bushings for the RT shifter are no longer available. I want to start by printing #17 from the image below. I say try because I am not sure what kind of durability a print bushing will have. If all goes well I would like to be able to rebuild my shifter completely. I am in need of a shifter though, the only one I is on the wagon I drive. So if anyone has one they would be willing to sell... condition is not a huge issue, just need a complete shifter.www.civicwagon.com


  • Hello, I started mixing and matching parts around. I noticed 90 to 93 accord bushings fit right in! So I just thought I should share that twmperformance has an awseome solid bushing set.
  • i have some bushing on my rt4wd shifter from an older prelude in a junkyard. they fit great. ive had them in for over a year now with no problems. the honda dealer should still be able to get them for accords, or preludes.
  • I was able to buy all of the bushes from my dealer about 1.5 years ago except for the cable one (it is only sold with the cable) and number 10.

    I had number 17 remade for me by Honda Japan, everything else was in stock.

    If you guys are interested I can ask if I can get #17 again.
  • If you search through my build thread, there is some info on the bushing as well. Including part numbers and other cars that work. Good luck.
  • I actually have a set of bushings modeled at work along with some teflon and UHMW that I am going to try out when I get a moment to machine. I dont know if they are different but mine is for a 85 4wd wagon. I guess I'll let you all know how it works out.
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