New wagon owner

Hi my name is David. I'm from Dayton Ohio, I have been looking a long time for my wagon found it one day on cragslist and traded a 97 jeep Cherokee for it lol. I love this thing i have installed an aftermarket reclining bomz racing seat on drivers side. my stock seat was pretty bad and it was free lol. I have been into clean Hondas for a while have built some nice ones but just wanted to do something different now. Alson don't wanna drive what every other high school kid in my town has put a cheap muffler on and constanly rev at everyone lol. I will work on grammer and spelling sorry about that. I was in the army for five years got out went to school now I run a shop here in my home town kinda hard being the only mechanic though. I'm an A.S.E. master tech and also have been certified by Honda. Thanks ill get a pic of when i first got it home I will take new ones when i get to shop in the morning.994941_593380107385146_1734074574_n.jpg


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