Solutions for a bad driveline mount/bushing???

I need some help has anyone found a solution to a worn out driveline bushing(#8)? Thanks



  • 91ee491ee4 New Wagonist
    Abide wrote: »

    That link is to a thread that has a no longer working link to a carrier bearing supplier. I also asked 3 months ago in that thread if anyone has a new source and nothing. good luck man. Im looking also, ill let you know if I find some.
  • AbideAbide Council Member
    I'm now in the same boat myself. I know i could hunt down the bearing itself but its the rubber part that seems to get jacked up after the front ujoint goes bad.
  • What's the composition on that thing. If it's anything like the support that was in my old volvo I'd just tear all the old rubber out to get at the metal bits. Then just use some polyurethane caulk to re-build it. Some window-weld would work great or vulkem if it needs to be a little squishier. I'd have to see one in person though to really tell. If the bearing is still good, reuse it. If not I bet you could probably go to a bearing supply if there's one in your area and they could get you something that fits.

    If anyone has a busted up one of these laying around, send it my way and I'll fiddle around with it and see what I can come up with. If something good I'll do a writeup for it.
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