91 wagon wont fire when hot

After i get up to running temp, turn it off and let it sit for 10-15 minutes it wont start. I get two reactions.

1. it will just click when i go to start it. when it does this i turn the ignition 2-3 times and it starts right up.

and 2. it will crank but not fire. when this happens i have to wait for it to cool. (5 more minutes)

I replaced the main relay, plugs, wires and fuel filter all in the last 3 months.

Any ideas or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.


  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    The clicking when you turn the key sounds like either the starter isn't getting enough charge or the starter solenoid is getting stuck.
  • I'll check it out. I did a little research last night and found that the crank without firing might be from the igniter in the distributor. Does that sound possible?
  • brandon44brandon44 Band Wagon
    I have a 91 Auto dx wagon. It started to randomly cut off when I was driving when it was hot. Did it to me several times, quite scary! I had the same problems you did.

    Try replacing the ICM (Ignition Control Module) in your distributor. Mine went bad. I popped a new one in and haven't had any problems since.
  • brandon44 wrote: »
    I have a 91 Auto dx wagon. It started to randomly cut off when I was driving when it was hot. Did it to me several times, quite scary! I had the same problems you did.

    Try replacing the ICM (Ignition Control Module) in your distributor. Mine went bad. I popped a new one in and haven't had any problems since.

    It will die on me from time to time. But before it does the idle will jump around then die. I was told it could be the ignition switch. But I don't see how the ignition could cause it to act like this when its hot or how it would make the idle jump and die.
  • CharbCharb Administrator
    how it would make the idle jump and die.

    This is news to me. Possible I missed it.
  • Haha. Sorry man. Theres a good chance I forgot to mention it. It's been happening since I bought it last year. There was a week where I thought I fixed it by getting oil out of a couple plugs that run in to the distributor. No idea how it got there. But its been going on for a while.
  • AbideAbide Council Member
    my ignition switch did about the same thing. what's your check engine light doing this whole time? does it turn off on the second main relay click? it should! if not im betting relay or ignition switch
  • The cel is off. I'm not sure that I understand about turning off on the second main relay click though. The starter very rarely doesn't engage now. But when it doesn't I can turn the key 3 time in a row and it will turn over. On a hot start (when it won't fire) I can hear the fuel pump in the on position. I've narrowed it down to something electrical at this point.
  • CharbCharb Administrator
    I'm standing by the ignition switch...

    I told ya, try it, if it doesnt work- RETURN.

    What do you have to lose? The answer is- NOTHING.

  • AbideAbide Council Member
    i just mean that usually when the CEL turns off, you hear the main relay click again and the fuel pump is primed.
    If the CEL stays on it's usually ecu or ignition switch, but even if it turns off it could still be ignition switch.
  • Mo-VanMo-Van Wagonist
    Do you have to push start it to start the engine? Maybe try that when the car doesn't want to start..
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