My 88 wagon



  • Kool let me know what you find.
  • The hunt for a new front bumper has started. The stock one is not that bad but looks like it backed into. It was like that when I bought it. Also been on hold cause Im trying to get my 96 Trans Am sold. I thought it would sale quick with it being silver hardtop ws6 but no luck.
  • Found oil leaking down around the spark plugs. Had to get a new valve cover gasket. Also looks like its time for a valve adjustment. Might as well do it since the valve cover is off.
  • Swagovan rolled over 250000 miles. 494.jpg
  • Got asked what kind of car I had today. Told him it was a civic wagon. He proceeded to tell me that Honda never built a wagovan. Lol love know it alls.
  • Lol. nice! I once had a guy tell me my Civic Wagon was actually an Accord Wagon with the wrong badge on it.
  • lol I wish I would have heard that one.
  • So I finally wanted to figure out how many miles per gallon Im getting out of my wagon. I getting 27/28 mpg I think. I havint been able to put more then about 9.8 gallons of gas in it so far. Im wondering if I pulled the gsr cable and went back to the a1, how much if any would my MPG go up.
  • Well its time for me to break down and buy a radio for my wagon. Its starting to get old driving back and forth with no music to listen to.
  • Radio install complete. Now I'm just waiting on my subs to show up.
  • Subs came in today
  • Thinking about buying a set of bronze circuit 8s for my wagon but not sure if they would look good on it.
  • 327.jpg
    Well they aren't bronze like I was told they were.
  • Finally had time to wire my subs up. Sounds pretty good to me.
  • They will certainly help you identify anything that needs tightened down.
  • I bought them so I didn't have to listen to all the shit that needs to be tighten back down lol.
  • Before

    Cheap eBay steering wheel

  • greenteagodgreenteagod Moderator
    Straighten that horn button. You're gonna give people a stroke around here!
  • I did already. Really didn't notice it until I posted it. I thought it was jdm hellatight to have shit mounted crooked? Lol
  • The plan is to start doing some paint work today. Going to spend some time looking a some different paint codes. Cant decide what I want right now.
  • Well I have picked a color. Its a little darker blue then the original color but should look pretty good, I hope.
  • Deep blue metallic is going to
    look great on the old wagon. I painted the fuel cap door and it looks great in real life. Pictures make it look black tho.
  • t9wagont9wagon New Wagonist
    Can't wait to see some pics. How the subs holding up? I've been toying with the idea of replacing the speakers in the rear speaker pods with 2 6" subs. Unsure what the sound would be like but I figure 2 6" subs = 1 12".
  • I'm only using a 400 watt amp so they should hold up for a long time. They are rated for about 700 a piece.
  • t9wagont9wagon New Wagonist
    Nice. You have any issues with the stock alternator? My wagon struggled to hold an idle with minimal electrical load at idle. Probably just time for a new alternator on warranty from autozone
  • No I havint had any problems. I had a dead alternator when I swapped my wagon. So I had a spare off a b18b1. I was told the obd1 alternators put out a little more amperage. Not sure if that's true or not but I havint had any problems.
  • Sanded down the roof and ordered a rubber erase wheel to get the pin strips off the wagon.

  • Drove the wagon for the first time in about two months. Car ran better then ever. I don't know if I should be happy or scared. Last time that happen, my b16 spun a crank bearing in my old DA.
  • So driving home from work yesterday morning and I get almost home my brakes get spongey and the pedal drops almost to the floor. Pop the hood and find the reservoir was almost bone dry. Probably low due letting it sit for months on end in the South Georgia heat. To say the least had to fill it back up and bleed the brakes. Also after bleeding the brakes my e-brake light goes out when I drop the e-brake. It was not very fun trying to slow the car down to make a 120 degree turn on the road I live on lol.
  • Wheeeee, where's the leak?
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