vitara/custom length rod setup, balancing necessary?

I am running a 75.5mm vitara/custom length rod setup, and i have found alot of conflicting inforation on whether or not i need to balance the bottom end. shooting for 300. not planning on revving past the stock redline.

what do you think?


  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    Thats kinda just standard procedure when building a motor. Have it all measured, decked, line bored, bored, honed, and beaded.
  • well since posting this, i asked the machine shop i'm using, who i trust very much considering they just won their 6th 1st place nascar championship at colorado national speedway, and he said for inline motors, balancing is not necessary as long as each piston/rod combo is perfectly weight matched to eachother, because it does not effect the balance of the crank.

    that was a ridiculously long runon sentence.
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