A new guy from Austin TX

Hey guys, I have been sneaking around CW for several months … and I finally just got a wagon! It's a '91 with 125k miles, I'd say it's in good condition overall, drives great, and the AC works(!), got it for $2800. So excited!

I'm now selling my '99 2-door civic. We've got a baby on the way, so having four doors seems like a good thing.

And my last name is Farris so we're calling this "The Farriswheel Mobile".








  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Welcome aboard. Looks like a good start.
  • welcome to the wagon world man! i'm in austin too, let me know if you need parts i always have stuff lying around
  • SPWSPW Senior Wagonist
    Very clean! Can't wait for updates from The FarrisWheel Mobile.
  • Thanks you guys! Glad to be here!
  • welcome nice clean wagon
  • Hey brother! I live in Atx as well. North, braker and Lamar area. I just got a 88 wagovn myself. I tried to post up a greatogs thread last week or so but it never went through... If you ever need any help turning wrenches give me a shout.
  • SCPOWSCPOW Band Wagon
    Whoa very clean Wagon!
  • Very nice and clean ride you got there.

    I am coming down for the F1 race in November. If there is anything that you would recommend I see or do or have some restaurant suggestions please PM me. Thanks!
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