still getting serious wheel shake during braking
Council Member
so i've changed almost everything 'cept the calipers. Can anyone tell me if they grab their caliper while bolted up to the car and try to move it if it has ANY play at all. Both my calipers have a bit of play/movement, one slightly more than the other.
My rotors are wearing very uneavenly and shaking like crazy. brand new rotors do nothing, tried 3 times.
My rotors are wearing very uneavenly and shaking like crazy. brand new rotors do nothing, tried 3 times.
- new LCA bushings
- new tie rod ends inner & outter
- new shocks
- new pads
- new rotors
- new ball joints upper and lower
- new axle
- 4 new tires (balanced 3 times)
while braking it shakes like crazy at anything over 30mph.
have tried 3 different rotor sets in the last few weeks. no luck.
- the back of the rotor doesn't even seem like it's getting wear.
- front of the rotor is getting wear almost constantly at the top 1"
when i jack the car up and spin the tires they are hard to turn and don't spin freely, with the exception of about a 4" span spins freely then grabs again. so when i spin the wheel it's hard to spin hard hard then easy, hard hard hard easy. both sides are doing this, one side more than the other.
i took some spare knuckles that i had laying around and put them on thinking maybe the hubs were bent. doesn't seem to have fixed anything.
and now with this newest set of rotors, when i turn right, i can hear the rotors grinding against the pads. when i go straight or turn left it goes away.
i know that the rack end bushing needs to be replaced. but does anyone think that it will actually fix my problem. would that cause the wheels to be hard to spin while in the air.
I went out and removed my wheel to show you. I had this same problem and only had really bad wear on the outside of the rotor and hardly any on the inside. The caliper is two parts inner and outer. The outer part slides on the inner and the two metal slides are protected by rubber boots. When I pulled my boots back I saw nothing but rust on one slide and the other I saw some very bad grease. My calipers weren't moving at all on each other.
So I took them both apart sanded them down smooth, stuck some sandpaper down in the hole to clean that out, greased them back up and put them back together.
here are some pics of what I am talking about
This fixed my wear problem. I hope this is your problem.
right on Rage 8)