if you ever thought about sportmax wheels

Well I bought some sportmax wheels 16x8 with the 0 offset and decided to see just how far they would stick out.

I found some metal flares here that just might work to get these on. The wheel wells rust out here so replacement wheel arches can be had for just about any car. I was thinking about a little more wide body look seeing as my wheel arches are getting some rust.

Here is some pics for you.




The wheel arches I found are way more aggressive and should bring it pretty close to the edge of the lip. A little negative camber might just get these to fit.

This is a project for next summer maybe but this is to give some ideas for you guys.


  • I don't think that will look very good. I also think it would rub like crazy in the front... Maybe it would look better with fender flares, but I'm skeptical.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    ya i prolly woulnt rock them on my daily but for CRX those would be perfect for my race tires.
    Think it would look sick on a wagon. I dont know how it would ride but here some picks of sport max wheels on some EF's.....
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    that first white hatch is dope if those wheels end up fitting like that then it would be pimpin' but they look like there sticking out a lil more....
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    dude is it even LEGAL to own that many sets of rims? i swear i just might have to come and confiscate a couple sets (including those sportmax wheels, they look hella tight!!)

    Q, wouldnt the front rub at the slightest turn and bump on the road?
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    hmm, maybe you could roll the fenders to make it fit?
  • I doubt my fender roller would do a good enough job rolling the fenders enough to get these things to fit. The metal flares I found probably got about 2-3 inches of flare on them. I have an extra set of fenders I want to try and weld these things too and see if it will even work. I have put them up for sale here in Germany to see if I can make a little more money off of them and buy maybe the ET15 version of these wheels. I think those are the ones you see on the white hatch and the crx above.

    I just wanted to see what they would look like on the car since these things were just sitting here. They were originally for my new VW wagon but they stuck out even farther on that thing

    If I can pull off this wide ass fender flare and throw a little negative offset on there it might not look too bad. I am a little worried about the fronts rubbing during turns. I will have to mount them up front to see what it will take. I will take more pics this weekend.
  • adamEFwagonadamEFwagon Senior Wagonist
    thats gonna look so good if they fit like the ones on that white hatch
  • Hey NJ I think those are the Et15 versions of the sportmax. I got a little bit more wheel to fit up under there. I will hopefully be ordering the metal flares from a German car here soon to try and cut and weld to see how they come out on the extra fenders i have.

    hopefully I will be able to start this soon.
    Good Luck....Hope it comes out the way you like.
  • johnDWjohnDW New Wagonist
    I have the sportmax 002s on my wagon, and they look great
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    you got pics???
    Think it would look sick on a wagon. I dont know how it would ride but here some picks of sport max wheels on some EF's.....
    see that ef looks sick! I was so close to buying staggered set's. 15x8's for the rears. I was talked out out of it @jlb. Agree w ragen that with some negative camber, might look dope on the rear of these wagon's.
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    well i am fo sho going to do that :wink: soon as $$ comes rolling my way :roll:
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    ya me as well cant wait for the rex to be rockin 0 offsets with some 225's all the way around
    get your christmas funds together and order them already wagodizzle!! hahah dustin or ikairo @jlb will hook it up! I'll run 195/fitty's with the staggered setup. strecth the rubber out, give it that Look! :wink:
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    christmas funds = in the negatives haha.

    the sportmaxes will have to wait. will a normal tire place have any trouble putting narrow tires on the rims? they like to BS me over here so im just wondering...

    :lol: wagodizzle
    discount tire should have no issues with anything like that.
  • It might be a bitch to get the bead to seat, but other than that it should be easy.
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    just need to be careful, the last few times i had tires mounted and balanced on BRAND NEW RIMS they chipped and scraped them up :x
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    Wago Dude wrote:
    just need to be careful, the last few times i had tires mounted and balanced on BRAND NEW RIMS they chipped and scraped them up :x

    you know what that means then? find another shop lol
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    yeah it was a mazda dealer too.
  • Honda dealer FTW 8)
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