Chaife's picture Thread

I recently got into taking pictures, over the last year or so actually. I won't use the word "photography" because sometimes I feel like I have no idea what I am doing. It has become very entertaining to me.
Honestly, Knottyy and BillBoard's photography has been largely responsible for inspiring me to get out there and try.
Hope this thread does a lot more of that. So I can learn more. And who knows, maybe it inspires them to get out and shoot more too..
ALL of these were shot with various NIKONs over time, I've played with the D40, D60, D90, D3100, and D5100. I picked up a D7000 in December which is now my primary body.
I quickly found that I like low light "picture taking" the best.. You have soo much more control..

Honestly, Knottyy and BillBoard's photography has been largely responsible for inspiring me to get out there and try.
Hope this thread does a lot more of that. So I can learn more. And who knows, maybe it inspires them to get out and shoot more too..
ALL of these were shot with various NIKONs over time, I've played with the D40, D60, D90, D3100, and D5100. I picked up a D7000 in December which is now my primary body.
I quickly found that I like low light "picture taking" the best.. You have soo much more control..

Here is a few of Josh1VTm's Accord that was just finished... Chillin' on Vette shooters.
That same day we did a shoot for his Gorgeous 1st Gen CRX. (that was a chill shoot)
This was back in 2012, October I believe.
Would love to shoot this car again with it's new wheels SimplyHonda, Just sayin' lol.
nice pics and sweet rides.
good luck with everything
I went with the D7000 because of it's ability to absolutely murk video!
Some of these next few will be duplicates from other pages/ parts of this site.. a few of my personal favorites.. Hope no one minds
I had a few pretty cool techniques really click for me this time.. learned a lil about aperture and actually discovered some really cool contrast settings for editing.
This is a STI swapped Forster that my friend drives.. I love this, and it's not even a Honda.. lol
Here are some of my random favorites over the past few months.
His beautiful Tahitian Green EF made it pretty easy..
New additions to my favorites. Most taken in downtown Charlotte.
Thanks mah dude!
MOAR pitchas!
Thanks brotha man! It means a lot.
I'll have to post a picture from a year or 2 ago or something. Showcase some of the progress and photo techniques learned in that amount of time.
Learning lots of new stuff in the past 2 or 3 months, that's for sure. :encouragement: