might have solved the non-replaceable u-joint delema

well tonight mike and I were looking at a wagon u-joint and an idea ive had came up. he had a brand new ford range u-joint that we were measuring up to see if it would fit into the ears. well the ford joint is a lil bigger but with a lil reeming the holes will still have tons of meat left on them and it looks like the C-clip will sit perfectly with maybe just a lil touch up from the die grinder. if this works no more having to spend major bucks on full replacement shafts from honda u will be able to go down to you local parts store and get a $20 u-joint like it should have been done.


  • turbo_teg wrote:
    if this works no more having to spend major bucks on full replacement shafts from honda u will be able to go down to you local parts store and get a $20 u-joint like it should have been done.

    That's the kind of creative modding I like to read about.

    My other means of transportation is a '99 Tomos moped and I belong to a couple moped forums to keep abreast of interesting mods for my 2-stroke ride.

    Last summer a member of the MRA (Moped Riders Association) in Ontario figured out that Tomos mopeds can use a regular $5 Kympex snowmobile bulb available at Canadian Tire instead of the expensive ($20) Slovenian (moped is made in Slovenia) bulb.

    I took that information and did a little techie with pics to illustrate the mod. You can see it here.

    http://www.mopedriders.com/viewtopic.ph ... light+bulb

    Anyhow, let us know how this mod works out for you.

    Cheers !!
  • akiraboyakiraboy HondaCivicWagon.com Founder
    in for more info 8)

    good to know!
  • I am anxious to hear how it works....I just piad $440.00 to have mine rebuilt by a shop in Toronto. Could not find a local shop willing to do the work.....
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    I know its gunna work all i need to do is have the holes drilled out for the larger U-joint. the hard parts is getting the old u-joints out since they have about 8 little tabs pressed into them to hold them in place. i had to dremel them just right then it was easy to bang them out.
  • ThatDoodleThatDoodle Council Member
    Good stuff dude. What year ranger?
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    oh crap iono the part number from carquest is 2-0456 i believe. tomarrow im gunna take the parts to my buddy that works at a machine shop so he can see about drilling the holes for me. this should end up being easy enough for any of u to do on your own as long as u can find a machine shop willing to drill u some holes.
  • did this work?
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    i talked to my buddy this last week about drilling the holes out for me he said he can do it sometime this week as soon as its together i will be sure to post pics.
  • Cool. Let us know how it works. It would be excellent if it works, because my u-joint is also vibrating.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    ya mine are starting to make a lil noise as well.
  • Yeah!
    I have done just that! and you know what happened?!
    After install ballancing and other nonesence, it vibrates even worse that before!
    I got it back to d-shaft shop for re-check.
    I even used Rockford U-joints (they fit) 430-10B.
    It seems to be a big BS on HONDA behalf. Subaru supports driveline servie parts for even older 4WD cars...
    If this dreaded shaft doesn't come out ok this time, I am scrapping this stupid project and leaving it in 2WD for good!
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    if the ujoint is square and the driveline is balanced i dont see how it cant work....
  • Is the U-joint like a Chevy one? They have to be heated with a torch because they have plastic pured into them to hold them.
  • turbo_teg wrote:
    if the ujoint is square and the driveline is balanced i dont see how it cant work....
    I don't know. R+R process went pretty smooth. Either dudes at d-shaft shop are on crack or there is something wromg with driveline!
  • if the ujoint is square and the driveline is balanced i dont see how it cant work....

    That's what I was thinkin... Maybe your "bushings" that kinda hold the whole driveshaft assembly up are bad. Mine are sagging and will be getting replaced with the u-joint.
    Is the U-joint like a Chevy one? They have to be heated with a torch because they have plastic pured into them to hold them.

    Never heard of that. Do you mean after you install them or what, because I've installed a couple u-joints (probably two or so chevy) and I just tapped them with a hammer after it's pressed/beat into place and that loosens them up.

    I called honda for a price on the shaft today. They said $378, but when I asked how long it would take, they said discontinued. Is it true that they are completely discontinued with no hope of a new one?

    In for results :!: :P :!:
  • That's what I was thinkin... Maybe your "bushings" that kinda hold the whole driveshaft assembly up are bad. Mine are sagging and will be getting replaced with the u-joint.
    I do not think the sagged center support bushings/bearing will contribute too much vibration. I used a laser pencil to see the actual sag was. I did lil calculation and I found no more that 1/2 degree difference in U-joint compound angles. According to my humble knowledge, it is not enough to cause considerable vibration. Pinion bushings, on the other hand, might cause vibrations on accel/deccel. I've played with pinion bushings. I measured angles found angles within 1/2 degree as well. However, when I moved pinion up/down, the angle changed to 1-1/2 to 2 degrees enough to case vibrations!
    Back to our prop shaft support bearings. When you install new ones, you will see they will sag a bit too. It is not unusual for veh with compound prop shafts to have support bushings/bearing to have some sag.
    However, I do not eliminate bushing problem on a freaking million year old vehicle. :D It could, however, become very expensive project!
    I do not want to sink money in this lil wagon.
    I just want to make it right and drive it until wheels fall off.
  • called honda for a price on the shaft today. They said $378, but when I asked how long it would take, they said discontinued. Is it true that they are completely discontinued with no hope of a new one?
    Yes, it is for good. No more support. Next year if you loose your keys and don't have key code, you will not be able to make new key at a dealership!
  • Yes, it is for good. No more support. Next year if you loose your keys and don't have key code, you will not be able to make new key at a dealership!

    Those bastards! They make good cars and then screw us into prematurely buying their less good new cars.

    Good thought on the support bushings. I'll probably just leave them alone now. I wasn't sure about the amount of sag they naturally have.

    Is it me, or should replacing the u-joint not cause an unbalanced shaft. It is, afterall, the shaft that is balanced and that has nothing to do with the u-joint unless extensive modifications were done to the shaft to make it fit. Not saying that the shaft will always be balanced afterwards; but it seems in theory it shouldn't affect it majorly.

    Also, I know for certain that my u-joint is bad because I can see the innards of one joint. Only a tiny bit, but enough that I'm not using the vehicle til it gets fixed.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    like stated my next guess would be the carrier bearings on the viscouse coupler. i guess since honda is not gunn abe offering replacement drivelines we had better figure something out.
  • turbo_teg wrote:
    like stated my next guess would be the carrier bearings on the viscouse coupler. i guess since honda is not gunn abe offering replacement drivelines we had better figure something out.
    You can easily check both.
    Disconn both prop shafts and check rotation of support bearings. VS coupling is very easy to check. It has to have serious amount of resistance as well as smooth rotation w/o chattering.
    Prop shaft
    There is an option, an expensive option though!
    I have gotten a quote to build a new driveshaft to specs out of Isuzu blanks using different u-joints (I don't know size) with outer retaining clips. After all it would come out to bout 400$$. Question, is it worth it?
    First, problem with reaming yoke bore could be serious. In a most severe case, one could loose d-shaft due to breakage at yoke (I’ have seen a few during my Jeepin' days). I wouldn’t do it because of liability!

    Second, by doing "bore" job, it s highly possible to ruin pane at which u-joints operate. If a half of degree wouldn't do much when canceling angles, a few thousands could bring a devastating result which couldn't be easily balanced out!

    Honestly, I am running out of options!
    Unless I owned a machine shop or a driveline shop, I wouldn't spend too much money!

    Nevertheless, if anyone comes up with a solution, an inexpensive "relatively", PLEASE share with fellow Wagonists!!!!
  • Any updates? I'm gonna be taking my shaft to a machine shop either tomorrow or tuesday.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    no every time i call the dude he doesnt answer or he calls while im working. i need to do it so i can atleast finish my driveline before i park the CRX till spring time.
  • that sucks. I'm just going to tell the shop to do whatever they think will work best.
  • I am in process of finding retainig C-clip of certain (secret as of now) thickness!
    After I find one and get new u-joints I will tell how it worked out!
    Keep your noses to the wind!
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    coo coo. i have everything to do this infact i have a sweet idea for the rex i got a front driveline with a slip joint, carrier bearing and a center joint from a ford truck and the tube diameter is exactly the same so i have eveything to make my driveline except one new u-joint for the center. i need to have my budy drill them holes so its ready for spring time whent he CRX makes it debut.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    BTW farfetch is that your dog in your avatar? looks like one tuff cha wua wua (spelling?)
  • turbo_teg wrote:
    BTW farfetch is that your dog in your avatar? looks like one tuff cha wua wua (spelling?)
    It isn't. it is my friends. I believe it has been featuresd in AFV (animals) some time ago!
    It s a hellowa dogy!
  • Could you guys please point me in the direction of this U joint?
    I think I'm perhaps suffering from terminology problems, but I really dunno wtf you are talking about and I'd rather lke to check it out and make sure I've got no problems in this location! :oops:
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    the U-Joint is this thingy:


    its located about half way down the driveshaft or so...
  • Wago Dude wrote:
    the U-Joint is this thingy:


    its located about half way down the driveshaft or so...
    Is it a newly redesigned Traxxas CV shaft?
    Is so pretty! :wink:
This discussion has been closed.