possible fuel problems

Okay I got odd issue rt started up drove fine parked it with 20 min start up n died right way I didn't hear fuel pump turn on so I swap out the pump still nothing
Had the car towed home n started up n drove fine again then I got some new rims jacked the car up put the rims on n was gonna go on joy ride but car started n die
right way again so I switch fuel pump again n nothing happen so I try to start few times day for week n to day it started right up but I don't want to drive cause I know it gonna happen again. Does any one any idea on what it could be


  • ppruepprue Wagonist
    Sounds like the main relay. It's in the dash above your hood release. Its a mug to get at but there's plenty of info here about fixing the problem and also getting the part out of the dash.
  • JDM831JDM831 Wagonist
    Okay il search around thanks
  • I would also suggest checking all the grounds, considering it is as random as it is. sounds like it could be the ground
  • JDM831JDM831 Wagonist
    Ok um is there some kinda of diagram for all the growneds on the car
  • I dont know about a diagram but there are four main grounds under the hood......... Battery to frame, Trans to frame (passengers side), Head to radiator brace and block to frame (drivers side)... Under the dash about 4 inches below and towards the steering wheel from the main relay is a ground (to the dash frame) Under the rear seat you should have one for the fuel pump (where it comes out of the cover in the floor pan) these are all the ones i had on my 89 DX wagon...
  • JDM831JDM831 Wagonist
    Ok thanks for the info ill double check them
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    I'd check the Ignitor:
    They should make this a sticky it happens enough times.
  • Okay I found the problem after 6months of messing with it end up be the ignition wiring harness was bad and had very old fuel filter
  • that happened to my wagon it started up and died then it started up again and wouldn't start i thought it was the starter cause it went out and the dizzy so i replaced them but still wouldn't start. i cleaned all grounds under the engine bay and added another but still wouldn't start then i got another ignition wire harness and what i notched when i was about to unbolt the screws/bolts were loose i tightened them up and it started up fine but just in case i keep another ignition harness under my driver seat with tools in the back seat haha.
  • thans toprovide that alll information about that fuel problems......................
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