Steering wheel shakes...HElp me!!

ok when i brake on the highway the whole steering wheel column shakes. i first thought it was my steering wheel being not tight but it ended up not being my steeroing me out guys, any idea will be apperciated.


  • You could have a warped rotor.
  • gp70hsgp70hs Band Wagon
    I can't tell you what it is, for sure. I have a similar problem on mine, but it's not the rotors being warped, I've fixed those problems before, on other cars.

    I have about 220,000 miles on mine and I believe it was driven very hard, before I ever got it. I am planning to replace all of the bushings in the front end, because my feeling is that the shakes I have are coming from those bushings being worn a lot.
  • quartersquarters Council Member
    I am having similar problems, i have changed everything and now it turns out that the hub might be bent. If you jack up the car, spin the front tires and it has a hard time spinning in certain spots, like the caliper is grabbing, odds are you have a bent hub.
  • I had a SIMILAR PROBLEM IN MY 91 2wd,IT VIBRATED DURING ACCEL ALSO THOUGH , it turned out to be one of the three bearings on the inner CV axle joint was bad and had worn a groove in the inner CV cup part of the axle. I replaced the cup & the one bearing from an old good axle,it solved the shakes completely.
  • If it only happens during high speed BRAKING, I would bet on excessive run-out in either one or both of your front brake rotors, aka warpage. It may do it at slightly slower speeds also depending on how bad the run-out is. And the only way to fix that is to machine the rotors (assuming they are still thick enough) or replace them. Sometimes if the steering wheel shakes/shimmies really bad, you'll also notice the brake pedal pulsating caused by varying rotor thickness, also another form of warping. Fixed the same way as stated above.

    Good luck! :)
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