Final word on auto 2manual seatbelst conversion?

I searched seatbelt, and seatbelts and only fount a couple of posts that talk about the conversion, both of which end up without any answered questions. I loathe the auto seat belts in the car, and although in time I will be installing a cage in the car which will have harnesses, thats at least 6-8 months away. Has the auto-manual conversion been done? I saw a for sale post about Canadian seatbelts that were from a wagon but were manual...would/do those work? Any information I can get would be greatly appreciated!!



  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    :) I'm glad u did some searching.You're right there was no real answer.

    The only way to find out is to head for the junkyard & see if you can swap the 2 systems.The center is not the prob.Cross your fingers & hope it swaps OR can be installed with minimal modding. :?

    :idea: Another idea is to see if you can swap in a system from another make or model.
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