90 rt4w d16y7 swap wont crank over to start

ok i picked up a 90 awd wagon shell i dropped a y7 with a b7 intake manifold, a crx si tranny, pm6 ecu and si engine harness. I bought starter, alternator, distribuitor, and clutch new at this point the motor is in the bay with all mount install harness plugged in and battery installed dash lights turn on everything powered works but it wont turn on it wont even crank..any suggestions????? can it be the main relay? can it be my ignition? if so how do i check? thanks:confused:


  • it can be something as simple as the clutch pedal bumper being gone (that hits the clutch switch on the pedal. ive seen this happen a couple of times.) to the ignition switch, starter , wiring, etc. i would start with checking fuses and the clutch switch.
  • rbwdrivenrbwdriven Senior Wagonist
    What si engine harness you using?

    Are the wires match for match kind of thing?

    Not all harness's were wired identical.

    Is all the wires connected grounds etc.

    When you say crank? Does the motor spin over? or no noise?
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Yes, like RBW said. Check harness.
  • Check to make sure the starter signal wire (small wire that goes to the starter) in the engine bay didn't get pulled out while you were putting something else back in, they can get real easy to pull out sometimes..
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