Greetings from Oklahoma City!

Hello guys! I'm new to the wagon community so please bear with me! I was inspired to get a civic wagon when I saw Mr.M3's wagon. I was amazed! I instantly began looking for a wagon, however much to my surprise, they are hard to come by! After about a 6 month search I finally came across one on Oklahoma City. It is an '89 Wagon shell with the complete interior. I was happy to see that the previous owner had already done a hydro conversion on the car. I am excited to own such an amazing and different car! I'll take some pictures tomorrow and upload them for all to see!


  • Cool man. Welcome.

    There are a few wagons running around the OKC area. ...and a handful of them are on here.
  • Awesome man! I think I saw your wagon at a bww in Moore one night! I was tempted on finding the owner and offering cash for it! Hopefully I'll begin on my car soon once I recover from my injury. I had an 05 evo 8 and flipped it last Sunday. I'm parting it out as we speak and looking to get some cash for it. However a 4g63 swapped wagon may be pretty cool! ;D
  • carlos ecarlos e New Wagonist
    YaY,we need more wagons in the central region.
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