Help, dashboard acting up while pushing car

hello, i have a 90 civic wagon with a b18b1 motor. i recently pushed the car and um the dashboard where the Hot/Cold bar stays, goes all the way down every time i push the car.. any suggestion what it could be? thermostat? wires?,etc


  • Pushing the car as in driving it fast/hard?

    ...and are you talking about the HVAC controls? Does that selector affect the temperature of what comes out of the vents when you are "pushing" it?
  • yeah im pushing it. and i dont know if it affects the temperature of the vents but the meter drops all the way and than regain itself.. im thinking that it might be an aftermarket thermostat and it is winter here so its pretty cold.
  • 2jzmiata2jzmiata Band Wagon
    Sound like to me you have an air bubble in the cooling system or the connection to your coolant temp sensor for the gauge (the small on on the passenger side of the head single wire) is loose or has a broke wire.
  • alright i'll check it out its too cold too.. lol
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