All the hiccups my Wagon has. All input welcome!

I'm just going to make this a theory/discussion thread about the little quirks of my wagon and ask that anyone with an idea or insight chime in!
First thing, if I take a decent turn or make a long turn, usually left, my car will cut out. This happens even if I have half a tank of gas. Could it be that my fuel pump starts to suck in air?
Next, under not quite wot my car will feel like it struggles to make the full power it could. It still runs really good and makes decent power, but it feels like it gets tiny little bumps of extra power while accelerating. Extra note to this is my tps sensor is calibrated properly and to my knowledge the iat sensor is working properly.
Lastly, if rpm is over 1500 and I completely let off the gas the engine drops suddenly to 600 rpm then catches itself and goes up to about 1200 and surges a tiny bit by maybe 100 rpms then settles at 800rpm.
Any input or ideas are appreciated. Thanks fellow wagonists!
First thing, if I take a decent turn or make a long turn, usually left, my car will cut out. This happens even if I have half a tank of gas. Could it be that my fuel pump starts to suck in air?
Next, under not quite wot my car will feel like it struggles to make the full power it could. It still runs really good and makes decent power, but it feels like it gets tiny little bumps of extra power while accelerating. Extra note to this is my tps sensor is calibrated properly and to my knowledge the iat sensor is working properly.
Lastly, if rpm is over 1500 and I completely let off the gas the engine drops suddenly to 600 rpm then catches itself and goes up to about 1200 and surges a tiny bit by maybe 100 rpms then settles at 800rpm.
Any input or ideas are appreciated. Thanks fellow wagonists!
Yes you could be getting air in your lines when turning left the fuel pump is on the left side of the tank.
The surging can sometimes be normal.
Cleaned the IACV once really good. I think I just need a new one. I know one of my injectors is kind of old, was a spare because a Napa injector, new, went out. Dizzy screw is good n' snug. I'm wondering if my coil could be losing power/slowly failing. Its a Shucks reman, probably 2 years old. All the input is appreciated guys!
Those may be different manifestations of the same problem. Also considering that you cut out around corners I would have to ask if your battery is tied down securely. From the rest of the info you have given, it sounds as though you are the type of person who wouldn't let it flop around, but better safe than sorry.
How's the power steering working? Only other corner related thing I can think of off the top of my head, maybe the pump is going bad and trying to freeze up under load. The wagon is the first power steering 88-91 honda I've had, so I have very little experience with P/S issues.
Battery is secured and relocated to the rear. Used 4 gauge wire and has a good ground. The tank was removed before I ever ran the D15b in the car and cleaned out. Possible water could have gotten in, I've never had the cap off for more time than the time it takes to gas up.
My wagon also doesn't have power steering. I really appreciate all the input man. All my grounds are good too.
The surging feeling while under wot seems a bit more present lately. This problem doesn't seem to be related to my cutting out issues. I believe that is just the pump getting dry while low on gas. I have had some tps issues but I properly calibrated it. I also have a new fuel filter.
Not as badly if I recall. I hardly ever drive my car until its at full op. temp. Valve cover gaskets are good, spark plug wires aren't the best. I mean they still work but how good.
I know of one small crack in one. They're also mismatched. Two are old Boschs and two are O Reilly specials. I had to cut the ends off the O Reillys to pull the metal piece out enough to clip. Probably is one part of my problem. Next on the list is a good set of NGK wires.
Take your distributor back, buy a $18 set of cheap new wires, and problem solved.
The insulation has a little split and I just cut the end off a little where it goes onto the plug cause the metal piece couldn't reach and fasten on. I've had the dizzy for about 2 years and I'll never buy a set of cheap Schmucks wires again, lol. Thanks for the help. One problem solved.
Sorry this last one is so tricky lol. Thanks for all the help wagon community!
It idles at about 900ish. If I blip the throttle at 1300 before I let it idle say after I pull it out of gear and its on its way to idle it wont drop down to 500 the surge quickly to 1300ish and then settle at idle. It will slowly idle down. Also when cold sometimes giving it a tiny amount of throttle in nuetral the rpms will at first drop very slightly then raise.