Engine just dies (+ good troubleshooting info)
lil flip
Band Wagon
I have a problem w/ my wagon. Like the title says...the engine just dies for no reason. There is lots of gas in the tank and no engine light comes on. The engine is not overheating or anything like that. I think there is no spark but im not sure. I've already changed the distributor. I've noticed that when i took off the distributor cab that there was quite a bit of oil in it. Is this normal? It ran fine for a while but then it died on me again. Im not really mechanically inclined. So any help would be appreaciated. Thanx.
but when you put the new distributor did you put it on TDC? i had the same problem before then i put it on TDC and put the dizzy back and the car starts fine now
that shit happened to me..i decided one day to change my cap and rotor and found out how hard it was to get that 1 stinkin' screw out from the rotor..then after i finally got it out and plugged the 2 connectors back in, one of them decides to fall out on me when i'm racing against some dude in a brand new Range Rover..i make it half way across the light and my car shudders and all the lights in my panel shut down.
check the connectors.
Next thing to check is the Main Relay. Here's a good run down:
Those are the two most common culprits and doing them first is really just a shortcut. If neither helps, you should do the standard no start diagnostic. Check for:
air - easiest...is the intake tract clear?
fuel - is the fuel pump priming? Is there fuel pressure at the fuel rail?
spark - pull a spark plug wire, test for spark
timing - check the cam timing to verify everything is sync'd.
Here's a good read on Honda no starts:
http://autorepair.about.com/cs/troubles ... 10301a.htm
As far as checking the main relay just have someone turn your key 2 clicks forward while you listen under the rear seat for the fuel pump. You should hear it for about 4 seconds. If you hear t turn on...move on it is not your main relay.
1- after car dies look at the ecu and see what code it is blinkin
2- check ignitor
4-fuel pump
5-main relay
6-tps sensor
7-idle air control valve
8-fuel filter
9-any loose conections on the dizzy or inside the dizzy
thats all i check on my car and sure enough it was one of the probs, thought it might help some people out with there startin probs. add on if u know of anymore that might cause such a thing. mine was the idle air control valve and the tps sensor