Future Wagon Owner From Oklahoma

I'm Austin and I love Wagovans/Wagons/Beagles/Shuttles (why else would I be here). I don't have one yet, but that is my goal for the new year. I do, however, own a 1990 CRX Si; his name is Tsuyoshi. If you're interested in my slow rest/build, there's a link in my signature. For now, I plan on reading through the forums and seeing the beautiful Beagles that you all have. I hope I can start posting about my own soon. :rolleyes-new:
For now, here's a couple photos of Tsuyoshi:

I'm Austin and I love Wagovans/Wagons/Beagles/Shuttles (why else would I be here). I don't have one yet, but that is my goal for the new year. I do, however, own a 1990 CRX Si; his name is Tsuyoshi. If you're interested in my slow rest/build, there's a link in my signature. For now, I plan on reading through the forums and seeing the beautiful Beagles that you all have. I hope I can start posting about my own soon. :rolleyes-new:
For now, here's a couple photos of Tsuyoshi: