Hey all!

What's up civic wagon members! I have joined a little while ago but haven't introduced my self yet so let me start off by saying, I am from Milwaukee Wisconsin and I am currently wagonless. I haven't found my dream wagon yet but, i do hope i find one soon as i am still searching every day. Once I do find her, I will definitely be sharing her with the whole world with tons of pictures so please be patient haha. Anyways, this forum is amazing, filled with lots of great info so i will definitely continue to do more researching and will keep reading the great builds of some of you civic wagon members. Thanks for letting me join this wagon family!


  • Welcome to the forum good Sir. Take a vacation out to the west coast and find yourself one! From what I've read on here they are less common out east.
  • Thanks for the welcome! I have been looking for quite a while now just haven't found the right one. Been looking for a red rt wagon, which i just recently learned they are known as unicorns haha. That is so true though. Hope i will find one.
    Swap'd-D wrote: »
    Welcome to the forum good Sir. Take a vacation out to the west coast and find yourself one! From what I've read on here they are less common out east.
  • I'll second the "Go West young man!" idea. I've found both of mine out there. The midwest has them, but they are usually in rough shape. Also really depends on your budget. A clean wagon out west can go from $2500-5000 depending on the condition and extra bits but then you have to add a flight, and gas and food money (hotel too if you don't want to sleep in the car every night.) so it can add up.
  • You'll second a post from 2012? Bless you...
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