my first civic wagovan

Hello! hola! my name is Jose. I love hondas, I didn't intend to own a wagovan. It was offer to me in a trade.I sold a 01 toyota celica, thanks to craigslist about a year ago. the buyer bought the car for his daughter. she was driving the civic wagovan. but the civic needed a transmission or clutch kit. it didn't move at all. since I have lots of Honda CRX knowledge. I took the car in a trade-in. after year I decided to work on it.. took transmission/engine all together. separated the tranny from engine, and found out it needed a clutch. 6 days ago now, running and driving. and is very slow to me. all I can think is to swap the engine to a B-series. I have a own about 7 CRX's from 88 to 91. the less weight, the faster the crx is. so I'll be selling the wagovan to some one who can enjoy it.



  • A. Its not a wagovan.

    B. You made a name on here just to let us know you're going to sell the wagon?
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