Wife hits deer - unbelieveable damage!

My wife was driving the '88RT to work the other morning. We had snow and rain overnight, so I thought it prudent. A little after 8:00, the phone rang. "I hit a deer on the way to work". My heart jumped into my throat, "How bad is it?" I'm thinking "Sh*t, no comprehensive coverage, how much is this going to cost?" (scroll down)


Doing the dance of joy. Cost of repairs? $25!


  • Lol that's crazy. Glad she's (your wife) ok
  • CharbCharb Administrator
    Hit it going 5mph? lol
  • Charb wrote: »
    Hit it going 5mph? lol

    She was accelerating downhill from the 45 mph in beautiful downtown Shingletown. Probably close to 55 mph, but then it was a small deer and a glancing blow (obviously). It's only a fleshwound.....
  • 1988rt1988rt Senior Wagonist
    Thats crazy you are a lucky person, I hit an empty garbage can once and it did more damage than that
  • Did she just pass a deer crossing sign??? I heard they put those on busy highways haha


    I glad to hear everything is ok!
  • Did she just pass a deer crossing sign??? I heard they put those on busy highways haha


    I glad to hear everything is ok!

    Yeah, we're getting up a petition to get CalTrans to move the deer crossing to the crosswalk in the middle of town. Why didn't they think of that?:confused:
  • Hidden damage discovered. While replacing the broken corner light, I discovered that the headlight was kind of loose. Deja vu! Flashback to when I hit a deer with my CRX, that damn, weird headlight adjuster (on the bottom) broke loose. Remembering what a PITA it is to replace those, I fabbed up a quick retaining clip from a piece of steel pallet strapping. Problem solved. I'll get a new adjuster when I need to adjust the headlights.
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