New to the Forum and Wagon

Hello to everyone. I'm from good old New Hampshire and figured I'd get something for winter and found a great deal with a crx I had and traded it for an RT4WD. Only downfall thing about my wagon is it is an automatic...
I plan on keeping this for a while. It's fairly clean and the interior is mint. I never really cared for the wagons at all. I have a ek 4dr that I am in the middle of building and needed something for winter so I got the wagon and I am falling hard for this thing.

Anyways I plan on running it through winter and possibly doing a z6 swap in spring time.

As I get motivation/time on fixing it up I'll update with pictures in the "Rides and build section". Shouldn't be to long.


  • sonnyyangsonnyyang Band Wagon
    welcome and im jelly that you have an RT
    post some picks of your rt yea??
  • I haven't yet figured out how to post pictures on a thread. I have one on my profile in pictures.
  • well here it is. I'm in the progress of fixing the quarters right now so it's just sitting in my garage. Driver side dog leg as some people call it is pretty much gone. I've tooken a few pictures of the body work as I continue to get it done. Will post all in the rides and builds once I get more progress on it. 581.jpg
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