4gen civic sedan seats in the Shuttle?

Hi there, I have 3rd gen Prelude seats modified to fit in a Civic sedan, basically cut&weld on the civic rails. Did anybody try to put the sedan seats in their wagon? Are they a direct fit?
(I did use the search ;) )


  • andys91andys91 Band Wagon
    Before somebody else says you didn't search very hard, there doesn't seem to be much info available.
    I guess the old site was searchable but lots of the links are not working.
    Wagons only accept the wagon rails.
    We put 91 Prelude si seats in my wagon the cut & weld way. Solid as it gets
  • i wish the old links worked :/
  • OK boys, I was home over the weekend and I put the Wagon seats out and compared them to my Prelude seats on Civic 4gen runners.
    It is not a direct fit! But there is not much work to do. I will post some pics when I mod them, but as far as I see, there is little work involved to fit them easily.
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