Best price for a new Main Relay?

Does anyone have a vendor or maybe ebay seller with a good price on a new main relay? thanks


  • DRMORTYDRMORTY Council Member
    Junk yard for $1.00... Then fill your pockets.. It always worked for me..
  • DRMORTYDRMORTY Council Member
    wear pants & fill your socks too :)
  • We have some junk yards here in Sun Valley. I'll check it out, but I'm thinking most of them must have been picked up already.
  • DRMORTYDRMORTY Council Member
    LOL, everybody forgets the sedans... No joke..

    CRXs are usually first to be striped & Then Hatches & Then Sedans and last Wagons..
    Way less people need sedan parts, so they usually leave them alone.

    When I stock up, about 1 in every 4 is bad, so grab whatever you can find.. and for the fast way to get them out.. Just Pull hard and it will come off the mounting tab & then disconnect.
  • 949949 Senior Wagonist
    a new one isnt that expensive (around $20+ bucks). and its a safer bet than using used parts that are about 20+ years old.

    getting towed because it wont start while out somewhere, at least $100+ bucks and time.
  • CharbCharb Administrator
    949 wrote: »
    a new one isnt that expensive (around $20+ bucks). and its a safer bet than using used parts that are about 20+ years old.

    getting towed because it wont start while out somewhere, at least $100+ bucks and time.

    Every parts store around here (NAPA, O'Reilly's, Autozone) all have them for $50+.... I've personally been to all three stores in the last 6 months and checked. I'd post links but I'm too tired atm

    And if you get caught stealing, you get what you deserve!
  • why don't you fix it yourself? Not impossible to do...
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