Looking to buy

I see a 1991 in OK shape pop up on CL for $1300. I'm thinking about it. It's sluggish off the line and it has bumps and bruises, nothing serious looking.

What should I be looking for besides the usuala car stuff when i go check it out, and how much should I be expecting to pay?

I've always wanted one of these guys. I have a 1991 Land Cruiser and a '00 Insight, and those forums are invaluable for someone looking to get into one of those cars, so I hope you guys don't mind if I ask for some advice here...

Thanks in advance,


  • Welcome to the site.

    It's a civic, so mechanical stuff is easy and cheap to repair. Wagons are rare - their body and interior parts are hard to find, so if it *looks* to be in good condition, $1300 is probably a fair price.
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